
Norihiko Ono

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10EENaotoshi Nakashima, Akimitsu Matsubara, Isao Ono, Norihiko Ono, Shin-ichi Tate: A genetic algorithm taking account of substructures for NMR three-dimensional protein structure determination. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 1761-1768
9EEHiroaki Imade, Naoaki Mizuguchi, Isao Ono, Norihiko Ono, Masahiro Okamoto: "Gridifying" an Evolutionary Algorithm for Inference of Genetic Networks Using the Improved GOGA Framework and Its Performance Evaluation on OBI Grid. LSGRID 2004: 171-186
8EEHiroaki Imade, Ryohei Morishita, Isao Ono, Norihiko Ono, Masahiro Okamoto: A Grid-Oriented Genetic Algorithm Framework for Bioinformatics. New Generation Comput. 22(2): (2004)
7EERyohei Morishita, Hiroaki Imade, Isao Ono, Norihiko Ono, Masahiro Okamoto: Finding multiple solutions based on an evolutionary algorithm for inference of genetic networks by S-system. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (1) 2003: 615-622
6EEHiroaki Imade, Ryohei Morishita, Isao Ono, Norihiko Ono, Masahiro Okamoto: A framework of grid-oriented genetic algorithms for large-scale optimization in bioinformatics. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (1) 2003: 623-630
5 Isao Ono, Tetsuo Nijo, Norihiko Ono: A Genetic Algorithm for Automatically Designing Modular Reinforcement Learning Agents. GECCO 2000: 203-210
4 Norihiko Ono, Kenji Fukumoto: A Modular Approach to Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. ECAI Workshop LDAIS / ICMAS Workshop LIOME 1996: 25-39
3 Norihiko Ono, Yoshihiro Fukuta: Learning Coordinated Behavior in a Continuous Environment. ECAI Workshop LDAIS / ICMAS Workshop LIOME 1996: 73-81
2 Norihiko Ono, T. Ohira, Adel Torkaman Rahmani: Emergent Organization of Interspecies Communication in Q-Learning Artificial Organisms. ECAL 1995: 396-405
1 Adel Torkaman Rahmani, Norihiko Ono: A Genetic Algorithm for Channel Routing Problem. ICGA 1993: 494-498

Coauthor Index

1Kenji Fukumoto [4]
2Yoshihiro Fukuta [3]
3Hiroaki Imade [6] [7] [8] [9]
4Akimitsu Matsubara [10]
5Naoaki Mizuguchi [9]
6Ryohei Morishita [6] [7] [8]
7Naotoshi Nakashima [10]
8Tetsuo Nijo [5]
9T. Ohira [2]
10Masahiro Okamoto [6] [7] [8] [9]
11Isao Ono [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
12Adel Torkaman Rahmani [1] [2]
13Shin-ichi Tate [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)