
Koichi Ogawa

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15EEAtsushi Yamamoto, Toshiteru Hayashi, Koichi Ogawa, Kim Olesen, Jesper Nielsen, Naizheng Zheng, Gert Frølund Pedersen: Outdoor Urban Propagation Experiment of a Handset MIMO Antenna with a Human Phantom Located in a Browsing Stance. VTC Fall 2007: 849-853
14EEToshifumi Nakatani, Koichi Ogawa: IM3 Cancellation Method Using Current Feedback Suitable for a Multi-Stage RFIC Amplifier. IEICE Transactions 90-C(6): 1209-1221 (2007)
13EEAtsushi Yamamoto, Koichi Ogawa, Hiroshi Shirai: Empirical Investigation of the LOS Propagation Characteristics on an Undulating Road for Millimeter Wave Inter-Vehicle Communication. IEICE Transactions 90-C(9): 1807-1815 (2007)
12EEHitoshi Iyatomi, Hiroshi Oka, Masaru Tanaka, Koichi Ogawa: Automatic Identification of Shot Body Region from Clinical Photographies. AIPR 2006: 11
11EEHiroki Kawai, Koichi Ito, Masaharu Takahashi, Kazuyuki Saito, Takuya Ueda, Masayoshi Saito, Hisao Ito, Hisao Osada, Yoshio Koyanagi, Koichi Ogawa: Simple Modeling of an Abdomen of Pregnant Women and Its Application to SAR Estimation. IEICE Transactions 89-B(12): 3401-3410 (2006)
10 Hitoshi Iyatomi, Hiroshi Oka, Masahiro Hashimoto, Masaru Tanaka, Koichi Ogawa: An Internet-based Melanoma Diagnostic System - Toward the Practical Application. CIBCB 2005: 443-446
9EEShoichi Kajiwara, Atsushi Yamamoto, Koichi Ogawa, Akihiro Ozaki, Yoshio Koyanagi: Attenuation Characteristics of the SAR in a COST244 Phantom with Different EM Source Locations and Sizes. IEICE Transactions 88-B(6): 2391-2400 (2005)
8EENobuhiro Haruta, Koichi Ogawa: Evaluation of iterative methods for aperture correction in SPECT. Systems and Computers in Japan 36(2): 23-32 (2005)
7EEKoichi Ogawa, Jin Ohta: Image reconstruction with a source space tree algorithm for Compton CT. Systems and Computers in Japan 34(11): 1-9 (2003)
6 Kazumitsu Kondo, Koichi Ogawa, K. Sakura: Extraction of the vertebral foramen of the third lumbar vertebra with snakes. ICIP (2) 2002: 69-72
5EEKoichi Ogawa, Masahiro Takahashi: Selection of projection sets and order of calculation in ordered subsets expectation maximization method. Systems and Computers in Japan 33(13): 96-102 (2002)
4EEKoichi Ogawa, Jin Ohta: Accurate image reconstruction with the source space tree algorithm (SSTA) for Compton CT. ICIP (1) 2001: 698-701
3 Kotoko Morikawa, Koichi Ogawa: Comparative Study on Statistical Image Reconstruction Combined with Modification of the Number of Projections. ICIP 2000
2 Yoshiyuki Nyui, Koichi Ogawa, Etsuo Kunieda: Extraction of Arteriovenous Malformation with Factor Analysis. ICIP 2000
1 Hiroshi Urabe, Koichi Ogawa: Introduction of Ordered Subsets Algorithm to Maximum a posteriori Expectation Maximization Method. ICIP (3) 1998: 394-398

Coauthor Index

1Nobuhiro Haruta [8]
2Masahiro Hashimoto [10]
3Toshiteru Hayashi [15]
4Hisao Ito [11]
5Koichi Ito [11]
6Hitoshi Iyatomi [10] [12]
7Shoichi Kajiwara [9]
8Hiroki Kawai [11]
9Kazumitsu Kondo [6]
10Yoshio Koyanagi [9] [11]
11Etsuo Kunieda [2]
12Kotoko Morikawa [3]
13Toshifumi Nakatani [14]
14Jesper Nielsen [15]
15Yoshiyuki Nyui [2]
16Jin Ohta [4] [7]
17Hiroshi Oka [10] [12]
18Kim Olesen [15]
19Hisao Osada [11]
20Akihiro Ozaki [9]
21Gert Frølund Pedersen [15]
22Kazuyuki Saito [11]
23Masayoshi Saito [11]
24K. Sakura [6]
25Hiroshi Shirai [13]
26Masaharu Takahashi [11]
27Masahiro Takahashi [5]
28Masaru Tanaka [10] [12]
29Takuya Ueda [11]
30Hiroshi Urabe [1]
31Atsushi Yamamoto [9] [13] [15]
32Naizheng Zheng [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)