
Dragan Obradovic

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11EEDragan Obradovic, C. Na, Ruxandra Lupas Scheiterer, A. Szabo: EM-based semi-blind channel estimation method for MIMO-OFDM communication systems. Neurocomputing 71(10-12): 2388-2398 (2008)
10EERuxandra Lupas Scheiterer, Dragan Obradovic, Volker Tresp: Tailored-to-Fit Bayesian Network Modeling of Expert Diagnostic Knowledge. VLSI Signal Processing 49(2): 301-316 (2007)
9EEDragan Obradovic, Henning Lenz, Markus Schupfner: Fusion of Map and Sensor Data in a Modern Car Navigation System. VLSI Signal Processing 45(1-2): 111-122 (2006)
8EEDanilo P. Mandic, Dragan Obradovic, Anthony Kuh, Tülay Adali, Udo Trutschel, Martin Golz, Philippe De Wilde, Javier A. Barria, Anthony Constantinides, Jonathon A. Chambers: Data Fusion for Modern Engineering Applications: An Overview. ICANN (2) 2005: 715-721
7EEDragan Obradovic, Ruxandra Scheiterer: Troubleshooting in GSM Mobile Telecommunication Networks Based on Domain Model and Sensory Information. ICANN (2) 2005: 729-734
6EERuxandra Scheiterer, Dragan Obradovic: Bayesian Network Modeling Aspects Resulting from Applications in Medical Diagnostics and GSM Troubleshooting. ICANN (2) 2005: 747-752
5EEDragan Obradovic: Stability and Performance Robustness Issues in Neural Network Feedback Linearization. IJCNN (1) 2000: 248-253
4 Dragan Obradovic, Gustavo Deco: Information Maximization and Independent Component Analysis: Is There a Difference? Neural Computation 10(8): 2085-2101 (1998)
3EEDragan Obradovic, Gustavo Deco: An information theory based learning paradigm for linear feature extraction. Neurocomputing 12(2-3): 203-221 (1996)
2EEGustavo Deco, Dragan Obradovic: Linear redundancy reduction learning. Neural Networks 8(5): 751-755 (1995)
1 Dragan Obradovic, Gustavo Deco, Herbert Furumoto, C. Fricke: Application of Neural Networks in Pulp Production. KI 1993: 376-383

Coauthor Index

1Tülay Adali [8]
2Javier A. Barria [8]
3Jonathon A. Chambers [8]
4Anthony Constantinides [8]
5Gustavo Deco [1] [2] [3] [4]
6C. Fricke [1]
7Herbert Furumoto [1]
8Martin Golz [8]
9Anthony Kuh [8]
10Henning Lenz [9]
11Danilo P. Mandic [8]
12C. Na [11]
13Ruxandra Scheiterer [6] [7]
14Ruxandra Lupas Scheiterer [10] [11]
15Markus Schupfner [9]
16A. Szabo [11]
17Volker Tresp [10]
18Udo Trutschel [8]
19Philippe De Wilde [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)