
Javier A. Barria

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15EERonaldo M. Salles, Javier A. Barria: Lexicographic maximin optimisation for fair bandwidth allocation in computer networks. European Journal of Operational Research 185(2): 778-794 (2008)
14EERaffaele Giaffreda, Javier A. Barria: Service Delivery in Collaborative Context-Aware Environments Using Fuzzy Logic. ICC 2007: 2045-2049
13EEGrigorios Zachariadis, Javier A. Barria: Dynamic Revenue Management for Flows in Packet Networks. ICC 2007: 2076-2081
12EEGrigorios Zachariadis, Javier A. Barria: Load Distribution for Telecommunications Networks Using Revenue Management. MASCOTS 2007: 325-330
11EERaffaele Giaffreda, Javier A. Barria: Collaborative Context-Awareness and Reasoning for Optimised Service Delivery. VTC Spring 2007: 252-256
10EEGrigorios Zachariadis, Javier A. Barria: Demand management for telecommunications services. Computer Networks 51(12): 3507-3524 (2007)
9EEW. Usaha, Javier A. Barria: Reinforcement Learning for Resource Allocation in LEO Satellite Networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 37(3): 515-527 (2007)
8EEDanilo P. Mandic, Dragan Obradovic, Anthony Kuh, Tülay Adali, Udo Trutschel, Martin Golz, Philippe De Wilde, Javier A. Barria, Anthony Constantinides, Jonathon A. Chambers: Data Fusion for Modern Engineering Applications: An Overview. ICANN (2) 2005: 715-721
7EERonaldo M. Salles, Javier A. Barria: Fair and efficient dynamic bandwidth allocation for multi-application networks. Computer Networks 49(6): 856-877 (2005)
6EERonaldo M. Salles, Javier A. Barria: Fair Bandwidth Allocation for the Integration of Adaptive and Non-adaptive Applications. SAPIR 2004: 1-12
5EEW. Usaha, Javier A. Barria: A reinforcement learning ticket-based probing path discovery scheme for MANETs. Ad Hoc Networks 2(3): 319-334 (2004)
4EEKonstantinos Prouskas, A. Patel, Jeremy V. Pitt, Javier A. Barria: A Multi-Agent System for Intelligent Network Load Control Using a Market-Based Approach. ICMAS 2000: 231-238
3 A. Patel, Konstantinos Prouskas, Javier A. Barria, Jeremy V. Pitt: IN Load Control Using a Competitive Market-Based Multi-agent System. IS&N 2000: 239-254
2EEA. Patel, Konstantinos Prouskas, Javier A. Barria, Jeremy V. Pitt: A Computational Economy for IN Load Control Using a Multi-Agent System. J. Network Syst. Manage. 8(3): (2000)
1 Eu-Jin Ang, Javier A. Barria: The Markov modulated regulated Brownian motion: A second-order fluid flow model of a finite buffer. Queueing Syst. 35(1-4): 263-287 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Tülay Adali [8]
2Eu-Jin Ang [1]
3Jonathon A. Chambers [8]
4Anthony Constantinides [8]
5Raffaele Giaffreda [11] [14]
6Martin Golz [8]
7Anthony Kuh [8]
8Danilo P. Mandic [8]
9Dragan Obradovic [8]
10A. Patel [2] [3] [4]
11Jeremy V. Pitt (Jeremy Pitt) [2] [3] [4]
12Konstantinos Prouskas [2] [3] [4]
13Ronaldo M. Salles [6] [7] [15]
14Udo Trutschel [8]
15W. Usaha [5] [9]
16Philippe De Wilde [8]
17Grigorios Zachariadis [10] [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)