
Li Lei

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12EEYanqing Wang, Li Lei, Chunyou Zhao, Zenghua Huang: Teaching Model of Coding Standards Based on Evaluation Index System and Evaluating Platform. CSSE (2) 2008: 635-638
11EELi Lei, Srinivas Sampalli: Weight functions for shortest path routing of periodically scheduled burst flows. BROADNETS 2007: 41-45
10EELei Huang, Li Lei, Liu Lixiang, Zhang Haibin, Linsha Tang: Stimulating cooperation in route discovery of ad hoc networks. Q2SWinet 2007: 39-46
9EEWang Li, Li Lei: An Object-Oriented Framework for Data Quality Management of Enterprise Data Warehouse. PRICAI 2006: 1125-1129
8EELi Lei, Sampalli Srinivas: Distributed Online LSP Merging Algorithms for MPLS-TE. IWQoS 2005: 366-368
7EELi Lei, Sampalli Srinivas: Backward connection preemption in multiclass QoS-aware networks. IWQoS 2004: 153-160
6EETang Ye, Shen-sheng Zhang, Li Lei, Jingyi Zhang: OITASSF: An Omnipotent Integration Technology for Application System Security Functions. PDCAT 2004: 332-336
5EEPan Yong, Hongbao Shi, Li Lei: The Behavior of the Complex Integral Neural Network. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2000: 624-631
4EESelmin Nurcan, Li Lei, Jacques Kouloumdjian: Integrating Database Technology and Logic Programming Paradigm. IEA/AIE (Vol. 1) 1990: 341-349
3 Selmin Nurcan, Jacques Kouloumdjian, Li Lei: Un gestionnaire de connaissances reposant sur l'intégration de la programmation logique et des bases de donnés relationnelles. SPLT 1990: 105-
2EELi Lei, Georges-Henri Moll, Jacques Kouloumdjian: A Deductive Database Architecture Based on Partial Evaluation. SIGMOD Record 19(3): 24-29 (1990)
1 Li Lei, Georges-Henri Moll, Jacques Kouloumdjian: Prolog-DBMS Coupling: A Hybrid Approach, Half interpreted, Half Compiled. JCDKB 1988: 121-134

Coauthor Index

1Zhang Haibin [10]
2Lei Huang [10]
3Zenghua Huang [12]
4Jacques Kouloumdjian [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Wang Li [9]
6Liu Lixiang [10]
7Georges-Henri Moll [1] [2]
8Selmin Nurcan [3] [4]
9Srinivas Sampalli (Sampalli Srinivas) [7] [8] [11]
10Hongbao Shi [5]
11Linsha Tang [10]
12Yanqing Wang [12]
13Tang Ye [6]
14Pan Yong [5]
15Jingyi Zhang [6]
16Shensheng Zhang (Shen-sheng Zhang) [6]
17Chunyou Zhao [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)