
Linda M. Null

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8EELinda M. Null, Mike Ciaraldi, Liz Adams, Ursula Wolz, Max Hailperin: Rewrite cycles in CS courses: experience reports. SIGCSE 2002: 249-250
7EESharon N. Vest, Robert Biddle, Christina Björkman, Linda M. Null, Eric Roberts, Greg W. Scragg: The retention of women in the computing sciences (panel). SIGCSE 1998: 366-367
6EEDavid W. Cordes, Bruce J. Klein, Renée A. McCauley, Linda M. Null, Craig E. Wills, Dorothy Deremer: Application of peer learning to the introductory computer science curriculum (panel). SIGCSE 1997: 373-374
5EELinda M. Null: Applying TQM in the computer science classroom. SIGCSE 1996: 120-124
4EELinda M. Null, Johnny S. Wong: The DIAMOND Security Policy for Object-Oriented Databases. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1992: 49-56
3EELinda M. Null, Johnny S. Wong: Data Security for Object-Oriented Programming Systems Based on Inference Engines (Abstract). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1990: 411
2EEJohnny S. Wong, Linda M. Null: Intelligent interfaces for secure multilevel database systems. IEA/AIE (2) 1989: 977-981
1EELinda M. Null, Johnny Wong: A unified approach for multilevel database security based on inference engines. SIGCSE 1989: 108-111

Coauthor Index

1Liz Adams [8]
2Robert Biddle [7]
3Christina Björkman [7]
4Mike Ciaraldi [8]
5David Cordes (David W. Cordes) [6]
6Dorothy Deremer [6]
7Max Hailperin [8]
8Bruce J. Klein [6]
9Renée A. McCauley [6]
10Eric Roberts [7]
11Greg W. Scragg [7]
12Sharon N. Vest [7]
13Craig E. Wills [6]
14Ursula Wolz [8]
15Johnny S. Wong (Johnny Wong) [1] [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)