2009 |
37 | EE | Éric Tanter,
Johan Fabry,
Rémi Douence,
Jacques Noyé,
Mario Südholt:
Expressive scoping of distributed aspects.
AOSD 2009: 27-38 |
2008 |
36 | EE | Angel Núñez,
Jacques Noyé:
An Event-Based Coordination Model for Context-Aware Applications.
COORDINATION 2008: 232-248 |
35 | EE | Ali Assaf,
Jacques Noyé:
Dynamic AspectJ.
DLS 2008: 8 |
34 | EE | Éric Tanter,
Rodolfo Toledo,
Guillaume Pothier,
Jacques Noyé:
Flexible metaprogramming and AOP in Java.
Sci. Comput. Program. 72(1-2): 22-30 (2008) |
2006 |
33 | EE | Rémi Douence,
Didier Le Botlan,
Jacques Noyé,
Mario Südholt:
Concurrent aspects.
GPCE 2006: 79-88 |
32 | EE | Johan Brichau,
Ruzanna Chitchyan,
Siobhán Clarke,
Ellie D'Hondt,
Alessandro Garcia,
Michael Haupt,
Wouter Joosen,
Shmuel Katz,
Jacques Noyé,
Awais Rashid,
Mario Südholt:
A Model Curriculum for Aspect-Oriented Software Development.
IEEE Software 23(6): 53-61 (2006) |
2005 |
31 | EE | Éric Tanter,
Jacques Noyé:
A Versatile Kernel for Multi-language AOP.
GPCE 2005: 173-188 |
30 | EE | Sebastian Pavel,
Jacques Noyé,
Pascal Poizat,
Jean-Claude Royer:
A Java Implementation of a Component Model with Explicit Symbolic Protocols.
Software Composition 2005: 115-124 |
29 | EE | Leonardo Rodríguez,
Éric Tanter,
Jacques Noyé:
La réflexion comportementale partielle comme infrastructure de programmation par aspects. Etude du cas des coupes dynamiques.
L'OBJET 11(3): 31-52 (2005) |
2004 |
28 | EE | Gustavo J. Bobeff,
Jacques Noyé:
Component specialization.
PEPM 2004: 39-50 |
27 | EE | Leonardo Rodríguez,
Éric Tanter,
Jacques Noyé:
Supporting Dynamic Crosscutting with Partial Behavioral Reflection: A Case Study.
SCCC 2004: 48-58 |
26 | EE | Sebastian Pavel,
Jacques Noyé,
Jean-Claude Royer:
Dynamic Configuration of Software Product Lines in ArchJava.
SPLC 2004: 90-109 |
25 | EE | Pierre Cointe,
Jacques Noyé,
Rémi Douence,
Thomas Ledoux,
Jean-Marc Menaud,
Gilles Muller,
Mario Südholt:
Programmation post-objets. Des langages d'aspects aux langages de composants.
L'OBJET 10(4): 119-143 (2004) |
2003 |
24 | EE | Éric Tanter,
Jacques Noyé,
Denis Caromel,
Pierre Cointe:
Partial behavioral reflection: spatial and temporal selection of reification.
OOPSLA 2003: 27-46 |
2002 |
23 | EE | Éric Tanter,
Marc Ségura-Devillechaise,
Jacques Noyé,
José M. Piquer:
Altering Java Semantics via Bytecode Manipulation.
GPCE 2002: 283-298 |
2001 |
22 | EE | Éric Tanter,
Noury M. N. Bouraqadi-Saâdani,
Jacques Noyé:
Reflex - Towards an Open Reflective Extension of Java.
Reflection 2001: 25-43 |
2000 |
21 | EE | Philippe Boinot,
Renaud Marlet,
Jacques Noyé,
Gilles Muller,
Charles Consel:
A Declarative Approach for Designing and Developing Adaptive Components.
ASE 2000: 111- |
20 | | Mathias Braux,
Jacques Noyé:
Évaluation partielle de la réflexion dans Java.
LMO 2000: 195-210 |
19 | EE | Mathias Braux,
Jacques Noyé:
Towards Partially Evaluating Reflection in Java.
PEPM 2000: 2-11 |
18 | | Mireille Ducassé,
Jacques Noyé:
Tracing Prolog Programs by Source Instrumentation is Efficient Enough.
J. Log. Program. 43(2): 157-172 (2000) |
17 | EE | Luke Hornof,
Jacques Noyé:
Accurate binding-time analysis for imperative languages: flow, context, and return sensitivity.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 248(1-2): 3-27 (2000) |
1999 |
16 | | Mathias Braux,
Jacques Noyé:
Changement dynamique de comportement par composition de schémas de conception.
LMO 1999: 147-162 |
1998 |
15 | | Mireille Ducassé,
Jacques Noyé:
Tracing Prolog Programs by Source Instrumentation is Efficient Enough.
Implementation Technology for Programming Languages based on Logic 1998: 46-58 |
1997 |
14 | EE | Luke Hornof,
Jacques Noyé:
Accurate Binding-Time Analysis For Imperative Languages: Flow, Context, and Return Sensitivity.
PEPM 1997: 63-73 |
13 | | Luke Hornof,
Charles Consel,
Jacques Noyé:
Effective Specialization of Realistic Programs via Use Sensitivity.
SAS 1997: 293-314 |
1996 |
12 | | Charles Consel,
Luke Hornof,
François Noël,
Jacques Noyé,
Nicolae Volansche:
A Uniform Approach for Compile-Time and Run-Time Specialization.
Dagstuhl Seminar on Partial Evaluation 1996: 54-72 |
11 | | Mireille Ducassé,
Jacques Noyé:
Tracing Prolog without a Tracer (Poster Abstract).
JICSLP 1996: 534 |
1994 |
10 | EE | Jacques Noyé:
Backtrackable Updates.
ILPS Workshop: Implementation Techniques for Logic Programming Languages 1994: 0- |
9 | | Mireille Ducassé,
Jacques Noyé:
Logic Programming Environments: Dynamic Program Analysis and Debugging.
J. Log. Program. 19/20: 351-384 (1994) |
1993 |
8 | | Jacques Noyé:
To Trim or Not to Trim?
ICLP-Workshops on Implementation of Logic Programming Systems 1993: 167-183 |
1992 |
7 | | Jacques Noyé:
The KCM System: Speeding-up Logic Programming through Hardware Support.
LPAR 1992: 496-498 |
1991 |
6 | | Michel Dorochevsky,
Jacques Noyé,
Oliver Thibault:
Has Dedicated Hardware for Prolog a Future?
PDK 1991: 17-31 |
1990 |
5 | | Hans Benker,
Michel Dorochevsky,
Jacques Noyé,
Alan P. Sexton:
A Knowledge Crunching System.
ARCS 1990: 9-21 |
4 | EE | K.-F. Wong,
U. C. Baron,
Hans Benker,
Sylvie Bescos,
A. B. Cheese,
François J. N. Cosquer,
Sergio A. Delgado-Rannauro,
Michel Dorochevsky,
P. Heuze,
M. Ibanez-Espiga,
Jacques Noyé,
Maurizio Paci,
M. J. Ratcliffe,
M. J. Reeve,
Kees Schuerman,
Alan P. Sexton,
André Véron,
Jiyang Xu:
The European Declarative System (EDS) as a platform for parallel logic programming.
SPDP 1990: 339-342 |
1989 |
3 | EE | Hans Benker,
Jean-Michel Beacco,
Sylvie Bescos,
Michel Dorochevsky,
Thomas Jeffré,
Anita Pohlmann,
Jacques Noyé,
Bruno Poterie,
Alan P. Sexton,
Jean-Claude Syre,
Oliver Thibault,
Günter Watzlawik:
KCM: A Knowledge Crunching Machine.
ISCA 1989: 186-194 |
1987 |
2 | | Jacques Noyé,
Jean-Claude Syre:
ICM3: Design and Evaluation of an Inference Chrunching Machine.
IWDM 1987: 3-16 |
1985 |
1 | | Jean-Claude Syre,
Jacques Noyé:
Une revue des modèles parallèles pour PROLOG.
SPLT 1985 |