
José M. Piquer

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19EEGuillaume Pothier, Éric Tanter, José M. Piquer: Scalable omniscient debugging. OOPSLA 2007: 535-552
18EEJavier Bustos-Jiménez, Denis Caromel, Mario Leyton, José M. Piquer: Coupling Contracts for Deployment on Alien Grids. Euro-Par Workshops 2006: 61-73
17EEJavier Bustos-Jiménez, Denis Caromel, José M. Piquer: Load Balancing: Toward the Infinite Network and Beyond. JSSPP 2006: 176-191
16EECristian Ruz, José M. Piquer: Searching an Optimal History Size for History-Based Page Prefetching on Software DSM Systems. HPCC 2005: 133-142
15EEJavier Bustos-Jiménez, Denis Caromel, Alexandre di Costanzo, Mario Leyton, José M. Piquer: Balancing active objects on a peer to peer infrastructure. SCCC 2005: 109-115
14EERicardo A. Baeza-Yates, José M. Piquer: Agents, Crawlers, and Web Retrieval. CIA 2002: 1-9
13EEÉric Tanter, Marc Ségura-Devillechaise, Jacques Noyé, José M. Piquer: Altering Java Semantics via Bytecode Manipulation. GPCE 2002: 283-298
12EEÉric Tanter, José M. Piquer: Managing references upon object migration: applying separation of concerns. SCCC 2001: 264-272
11EELuis Mateu, José M. Piquer: Safe-Threads: A New Model for Object-Oriented Multi-Threaded Languages. SCCC 1999: 136-143
10EEJosé M. Piquer, Ivana Visconti: Indirect Reference Listing: A Robust Distributed GC. Euro-Par 1998: 610-619
9EELuis Mateu, José M. Piquer, Juan León: Resurrecting Ada's Rendez-Vous in Java. SCCC 1998: 106-112
8 José M. Piquer: Distributed Shared Memory Based on Group Large Causality. Euro-Par, Vol. I 1996: 532-537
7 Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates, José M. Piquer, E. Vera, Masatoshi Makino, Yuji Inoue: AccessNova: broadband networks and multimedia services experiments. IFIP World Conference on IT Tools 1996: 106-116
6EEJosé M. Piquer: Indirect Distributed Garbage Collection: Handling Object Migration. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 18(5): 615-647 (1996)
5 José M. Piquer: Indirect Mark and Sweep: A Distributed GC IWMM 1995: 267-282
4 José M. Piquer: A Re-Implementation of TransPive: Lessons from the Experience. PSLS 1995: 310-329
3EEJosé M. Piquer: Large causality: ordering broadcasts and messages. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1992
2 Bernard Lang, Christian Queinnec, José M. Piquer: Garbage Collecting the World. POPL 1992: 39-50
1 José M. Piquer: Indirect Reference Counting: A Distributed Garbage Collection Algorithm. PARLE (1) 1991: 150-165

Coauthor Index

1Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates [7] [14]
2Javier Bustos-Jiménez [15] [17] [18]
3Denis Caromel [15] [17] [18]
4Alexandre di Costanzo [15]
5Yuji Inoue [7]
6Bernard Lang [2]
7Juan León [9]
8Mario Leyton [15] [18]
9Masatoshi Makino [7]
10Luis Mateu [9] [11]
11Jacques Noyé [13]
12Guillaume Pothier [19]
13Christian Queinnec [2]
14Cristian Ruz [16]
15Marc Ségura-Devillechaise [13]
16Éric Tanter [12] [13] [19]
17E. Vera [7]
18Ivana Visconti [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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