
James Newman

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4EEJoe Groner, Matthew Lee, Joel P. Martin, Robert J. Moorhead II, James Newman: A Concurrent Visualization System for High-Performance Computational Simulations. IEEE Visualization 2005: 115
3EEIain Simons, James Newman: All Your Base Are Belong To Us: Videogame culture and textual production online. DIGRA Conf. 2003
2EEJames Newman: The Myth of the Ergodic Videogame - Some thoughts on player-character relationships in videogames. Game Studies 2(1): (2002)
1EEJames Newman, Bernard J. Baars, Sung-Bae Cho: A Neural Global Workspace Model for Conscious Attention. Neural Networks 10(7): 1195-1206 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Bernard J. Baars [1]
2Sung-Bae Cho [1]
3Joe Groner [4]
4Matthew Lee [4]
5Joel P. Martin [4]
6Robert J. Moorhead II (Robert J. Moorhead) [4]
7Iain Simons [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)