
Jens Neumann

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6EEMarco Nordmann, Jens Neumann: Learning Application Suite Creating and Playing SCORM Compatible Web and Computer Based Training. ICALT 2008: 572-573
5EEJens Neumann, Constantinos C. Pantelides: Consistency on Domain Boundaries for Linear PDAE Systems. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 30(2): 916-936 (2008)
4EEThoralf Töpel, Jens Neumann, Ralf Hofestädt: A Medical Case-Based Reasoning Component for the Rare Metabolic Diseases Database Ramedis. CBMS 2007: 7-11
3 Frank-Lothar Krause, Jens Neumann, Ulrike Völlinger: Nodale Volumenmodelle als Grundlage realistischer Deformationssimulationen. SimVis 2005: 409-413
2EEFrank-Lothar Krause, Johann Habakuk Israel, Jens Neumann, Boris Beckmann-Dobrev: A 6-DOF user interface for grasping in VR-based computer aided styling and design. VRST 2005: 110-112
1 Frank-Lothar Krause, J. Lüddemann, Jens Neumann, Uwe Rothenburg: Modellierungsmethoden und Systemgestaltung - DMU für verteilte kooperative Entwicklungsprozesse. CAD 1998: 202-211

Coauthor Index

1Boris Beckmann-Dobrev [2]
2Ralf Hofestädt [4]
3Johann Habakuk Israel [2]
4Frank-Lothar Krause [1] [2] [3]
5J. Lüddemann [1]
6Marco Nordmann [6]
7Constantinos C. Pantelides [5]
8Uwe Rothenburg [1]
9Thoralf Töpel [4]
10Ulrike Völlinger [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)