
Sergiu Nedevschi

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20EESergiu Nedevschi, Sylvia Ratnasamy, Jitendra Padhye: Hot Data Centers vs. Cool Peers. HotPower 2008
19EESergiu Nedevschi, Rabin K. Patra, Sonesh Surana, Sylvia Ratnasamy, Lakshminarayanan Subramanian, Eric A. Brewer: An adaptive, high performance mac for long-distance multihop wireless networks. MOBICOM 2008: 259-270
18EESonesh Surana, Rabin K. Patra, Sergiu Nedevschi, Manuel Ramos, Lakshminarayanan Subramanian, Yahel Ben-David, Eric A. Brewer: Beyond Pilots: Keeping Rural Wireless Networks Alive. NSDI 2008: 119-132
17EESergiu Nedevschi, Lucian Popa, Gianluca Iannaccone, Sylvia Ratnasamy, David Wetherall: Reducing Network Energy Consumption via Sleeping and Rate-Adaptation. NSDI 2008: 323-336
16EEKaterina J. Argyraki, Salman Baset, Byung-Gon Chun, Kevin R. Fall, Gianluca Iannaccone, Allan Knies, Eddie Kohler, Maziar Manesh, Sergiu Nedevschi, Sylvia Ratnasamy: Can software routers scale? PRESTO 2008: 21-26
15EERamakrishna Gummadi, Rabin K. Patra, Sergiu Nedevschi, Sonesh Surana, Eric A. Brewer: A radio multiplexing architecture for high throughput point to multipoint wireless networks. Wireless Networks and Systems for Developing Regions 2008: 47-52
14EEAnmol Sheth, Sergiu Nedevschi, Rabin K. Patra, Sonesh Surana, Eric A. Brewer, Lakshminarayanan Subramanian: Packet Loss Characterization in WiFi-Based Long Distance Networks. INFOCOM 2007: 312-320
13EERabin K. Patra, Sergiu Nedevschi, Sonesh Surana, Anmol Sheth, Lakshminarayanan Subramanian, Eric A. Brewer: WiLDNet: Design and Implementation of High Performance WiFi Based Long Distance Networks. NSDI 2007
12EESergiu Nedevschi, Cristian Vancea, Tiberiu Marita, Thorsten Graf: Online Extrinsic Parameters Calibration for Stereovision Systems Used in Far-Range Detection Vehicle Applications. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 8(4): 651-660 (2007)
11 Pangyu Jeong, Sergiu Nedevschi: Robust classification based on prior of local difference probability for the unmanned ground vehicles. VISAPP (1) 2006: 445-450
10 Cristian Vancea, Sergiu Nedevschi, Mihai Negru, Stefan Mathe: Real-time FPGA-based image rectification system. VISAPP (1) 2006: 93-100
9EEPangyu Jeong, Sergiu Nedevschi: Local Difference Probability (LDP)-Based Environment Adaptive Algorithm for Unmanned Ground Vehicle. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 7(3): 282-292 (2006)
8EESergiu Nedevschi, Rabin K. Patra, Eric A. Brewer: Hardware speech recognition for user interfaces in low cost, low power devices. DAC 2005: 684-689
7EEEric A. Brewer, Michael J. Demmer, Bowei Du, Melissa Ho, Matthew Kam, Sergiu Nedevschi, Joyojeet Pal, Rabin K. Patra, Sonesh Surana, Kevin R. Fall: The Case for Technology in Developing Regions. IEEE Computer 38(6): 25-38 (2005)
6EEPangyu Jeong, Sergiu Nedevschi: Efficient and Robust Classification Method Using Combined Feature Vector for Lane Detection. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 15(4): 528-537 (2005)
5EEPangyu Jeong, Sergiu Nedevschi: Efficient Classification Method for Autonomous Driving Application. ICIAR (1) 2004: 228-235
4 Sergiu Nedevschi, Radu Danescu, Dan Frentiu, Tiberiu Marita, Florin Oniga, Ciprian Pocol, Rolf Schmidt, Thorsten Graf: Stereovision Approach for Obstacle Detection on Non-Planar Roads. ICINCO (2) 2004: 11-18
3EEPangyu Jeong, Sergiu Nedevschi: Intelligent road detection based on local averaging classifier in real-time environments. ICIAP 2003: 245-249
2EESergiu Nedevschi, Tiberiu Marita, Daniela Puiu: Intermediate Representation in Model Based Recognition Using Straight Line and Ellipsoidal Arc Primitives. ICIAP 2001: 156-161
1EEMaria Imecs, Péter Bikfalvi, Sergiu Nedevschi, József Vásárhelyi: Implementation of a Configurable Controller for an AC Drive Control: A Case Study. FCCM 2000: 323-324

Coauthor Index

1Katerina J. Argyraki [16]
2Salman Baset [16]
3Yahel Ben-David [18]
4Péter Bikfalvi [1]
5Eric A. Brewer [7] [8] [13] [14] [15] [18] [19]
6Byung-Gon Chun [16]
7Radu Danescu [4]
8Michael J. Demmer [7]
9Bowei Du [7]
10Kevin R. Fall [7] [16]
11Dan Frentiu [4]
12Thorsten Graf [4] [12]
13Ramakrishna Gummadi [15]
14Melissa Ho [7]
15Gianluca Iannaccone [16] [17]
16Maria Imecs [1]
17Pangyu Jeong [3] [5] [6] [9] [11]
18Matthew Kam [7]
19Allan Knies [16]
20Eddie Kohler [16]
21Maziar Manesh [16]
22Tiberiu Marita [2] [4] [12]
23Stefan Mathe [10]
24Mihai Negru [10]
25Florin Oniga [4]
26Jitendra Padhye [20]
27Joyojeet Pal [7]
28Rabin K. Patra [7] [8] [13] [14] [15] [18] [19]
29Ciprian Pocol [4]
30Lucian Popa [17]
31Daniela Puiu [2]
32Manuel Ramos [18]
33Sylvia Ratnasamy [16] [17] [19] [20]
34Rolf Schmidt [4]
35Anmol Sheth [13] [14]
36Lakshminarayanan Subramanian [13] [14] [18] [19]
37Sonesh Surana [7] [13] [14] [15] [18] [19]
38Cristian Vancea [10] [12]
39József Vásárhelyi [1]
40David Wetherall [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)