
Elena Navarro

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16EEElena Navarro, Carlos E. Cuesta: Automating the Trace of Architectural Design Decisions and Rationales Using a MDD Approach. ECSA 2008: 114-130
15EEElena Navarro, Víctor López-Jaquero, Francisco Montero: HABITAT: A Web Supported Treatment for Acquired Brain Injured. ICALT 2008: 464-466
14EEGregorio Díaz, Elena Navarro, María-Emilia Cambronero, Valentin Valero, Fernando Cuartero: Testing Time Goal-Driven Requirements with Model Checking Techniques. ECBS 2007: 503-514
13EEElena Navarro, Patricio Letelier, Javier Jaén Martínez, Isidro Ramos: Supporting the Automatic Generation of Proto-Architectures. ECSA 2007: 325-329
12EEElena Navarro, Patricio Letelier, Isidro Ramos: Requirements and Scenarios: Running Aspect-Oriented Software Architectures. WICSA 2007: 23
11EEElena Navarro, Pedro Sánchez, Patricio Letelier, Juan A. Pastor, Isidro Ramos: A Goal-Oriented Approach for Safety Requirements Specification. ECBS 2006: 319-326
10EEJennifer Pérez, Elena Navarro, Patricio Letelier, Isidro Ramos: A Modelling Proposal for Aspect-Oriented Software Architectures. ECBS 2006: 32-41
9 Ángel Roche, Patricio Letelier, Elena Navarro, Manuel Llavador: Validación incremental de modelos usando escenarios y prototipado automático. JISBD 2006: 337-346
8EEJennifer Pérez, Elena Navarro, Patricio Letelier, Isidro Ramos: Graphical modelling for aspect oriented SA. SAC 2006: 1597-1598
7 Elena Navarro, Pedro Sánchez, Patricio Letelier, Juan A. Pastor, Isidro Ramos: Sistematizando la Especificación de Requisitos Safety: un Caso de Estudio sobre Aplicaciones Teleoperadas. JISBD 2005: 35-42
6EEElena Navarro, Patricio Letelier, Isidro Ramos: Integrating Expressiveness of Modern Requirements Modeling Approaches. SERA 2005: 94-103
5EEJavier Jaén Martínez, Elena Navarro: An Infrastructure to Build Secure Shared Grid Spaces. COORDINATION 2004: 170-182
4EEJavier Jaén Martínez, José Hilario Canós Cerdá, Elena Navarro: A Web-Based Coordination Infrastructure for Grid Collective Services. WAIM 2004: 449-457
3 Elena Navarro, Isidro Ramos, Jennifer Pérez: Requirements and Architecture: a marriage for Quality Assurance. JISBD 2003: 69-78
2EEJennifer Pérez, Isidro Ramos, Javier Jaén Martínez, Patricio Letelier, Elena Navarro: PRISMA: Towards Quality, Aspect Oriented and Dynamic Software Architectures. QSIC 2003: 59-66
1EEElena Navarro, Isidro Ramos, Jennifer Pérez: Software Requirements for Architectured Systems. RE 2003: 365-366

Coauthor Index

1María-Emilia Cambronero [14]
2José Hilario Canós Cerdá (José Hilario Canós) [4]
3Fernando Cuartero [14]
4Carlos E. Cuesta [16]
5Gregorio Díaz [14]
6Patricio Letelier [2] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
7Manuel Llavador [9]
8Víctor López-Jaquero [15]
9Javier Jaén Martínez [2] [4] [5] [13]
10Francisco Montero [15]
11Juan A. Pastor [7] [11]
12Jennifer Pérez [1] [2] [3] [8] [10]
13Isidro Ramos [1] [2] [3] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13]
14Ángel Roche [9]
15Valentín Valero Ruiz (Valentin Valero) [14]
16Pedro Sánchez [7] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)