
Balas K. Natarajan

B. K. Natarajan

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26EEKonstantinos Konstantinides, Balas K. Natarajan, Gregory S. Yovanof: Noise estimation and filtering using block-based singular value decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 6(3): 479-483 (1997)
25EEScott A. Mahlke, Balas K. Natarajan: Compiler Synthesized Dynamic Branch Prediction. MICRO 1996: 153-164
24EEPrasad Tadepalli, Balas K. Natarajan: A Formal Framework for Speedup Learning from Problems and Solutions CoRR cs.AI/9605105: (1996)
23 Prasad Tadepalli, Balas K. Natarajan: A Formal Framework for Speedup Learning from Problems and Solutions. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 4: 445-475 (1996)
22EEB. K. Natarajan, B. Vasudev: A fast approximate algorithm for scaling down digital images in the DCT domain. ICIP 1995: 2241-2243
21 B. K. Natarajan: Sparse Approximate Solutions to Linear Systems. SIAM J. Comput. 24(2): 227-234 (1995)
20 B. K. Natarajan: Sharper Bounds on Occam Filters with Application to Digital Video. Data Compression Conference 1994: 440-449
19EEB. K. Natarajan: Occam's Razor for Functions. COLT 1993: 370-376
18 Vasudev Bhaskaran, Balas K. Natarajan, Konstantinos Konstantinides: Optimal Piecewise-Linear Compression of Images. Data Compression Conference 1993: 168-177
17 B. K. Natarajan: Filtering Random Noise via Data Compression. Data Compression Conference 1993: 60-69
16EEB. K. Natarajan: Condition-Sensitive Computation of Approximate Fixed Points. J. Complexity 9(3): 406-411 (1993)
15 B. K. Natarajan: A Reply to Hellerstein's Book Review of Machine Learning: A Theoretical Approach. Machine Learning 13: 151-152 (1993)
14 B. K. Natarajan: Probably Approximate Learning Over Classes of Distributions. SIAM J. Comput. 21(3): 438-449 (1992)
13 Balas K. Natarajan: Machine Learning: A Theoretical Approach. Morgan Kaufmann 1991
12 B. K. Natarajan: Probably Approximate Learning of Sets and Functions. SIAM J. Comput. 20(2): 328-351 (1991)
11EEB. K. Natarajan: On Computing the Intersection of B-Splines (Extended Abstract). Symposium on Computational Geometry 1990: 157-167
10EEB. K. Natarajan: On Learning from Exercises. COLT 1989: 72-87
9 B. K. Natarajan: Some Paradigms for the Automated Design of Parts Feeders. I. J. Robotic Res. 8(6): 98-109 (1989)
8 B. K. Natarajan: On Learning Sets and Functions. Machine Learning 4: 67-97 (1989)
7 B. K. Natarajan: An analysis of assembly. The Visual Computer 5(5): 316-323 (1989)
6 Balas K. Natarajan, Prasad Tadepalli: Two New Frameworks for Learning. ML 1988: 402-415
5EEB. K. Natarajan: On Planning Assemblies. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1988: 299-308
4 B. K. Natarajan: The Complexity of Fine Motion Planning. I. J. Robotic Res. 7(2): 36-42 (1988)
3 B. K. Natarajan: On Learning Boolean Functions STOC 1987: 296-304
2EEB. K. Natarajan: On Detecting the Orientation of Polygons and Polyhedra. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1987: 147-152
1 B. K. Natarajan: An Algorithmic Approach to the Automated Design of Parts Orienters FOCS 1986: 132-142

Coauthor Index

1Vasudev Bhaskaran [18]
2Konstantinos Konstantinides [18] [26]
3Scott A. Mahlke [25]
4Prasad Tadepalli [6] [23] [24]
5B. Vasudev [22]
6Gregory S. Yovanof [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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