
Hiromasa Nakatani

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7EEHitoshi Saji, Hiromasa Nakatani: Fusion of Color Photometric Stereo Method and Slit Pattern Projection Method to Measure Three-Dimensional Shapes of a Human Face. DICTA 2003: 731-740
6EETakanao Inaguma, Hitoshi Saji, Hiromasa Nakatani: Two-handed Gesture Tracking in the Case of Occlusion of Hands. MVA 2002: 306-309
5EETakanao Inaguma, Koutarou Oomura, Hitoshi Saji, Hiromasa Nakatani: Efficient Search Technique for Hand Gesture Tracking in Three Dimensions. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2000: 594-601
4EEHiroshi Ohta, Hitoshi Saji, Hiromasa Nakatani: Recognition of facial expressions using muscle-based feature models. Systems and Computers in Japan 31(10): 78-88 (2000)
3 Hiroshi Ohta, Hitoshi Saji, Hiromasa Nakatani: Muscle-Based Feature Models for Analyzing Facial Expressions. ACCV (2) 1998: 711-718
2EEDaisuke Yagi, Keiichi Abe, Hiromasa Nakatani: Segmentation of Color Aerial Photographs Using HSV Color Models. MVA 1992: 367-370
1EERichard S. Weiss, Hiromasa Nakatani, Edward M. Riseman: An Error Analysis for Surface Orientation from Vanishing Points. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 12(12): 1179-1185 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Keiichi Abe [2]
2Takanao Inaguma [5] [6]
3Hiroshi Ohta [3] [4]
4Koutarou Oomura [5]
5Edward M. Riseman [1]
6Hitoshi Saji [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
7Richard S. Weiss [1]
8Daisuke Yagi [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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