Börje Langefors:
Comments on a paper by Biller and Neuhold: Semantics of data Bases: The semantics of data models.
31-34 BibTeX
Horst Biller, Erich J. Neuhold:
Remarks on the comments of B. Langefors on our paper - Semantics of data bases: The semantics of data models.
35-36 BibTeX
Jack Minker:
Binary relations, matrices and inference developments.
37-47 BibTeX
Jaime G. Carbonell, Roger C. Schank:
Comments on the paper of Cherniavsky: "On artificial intelligence and attempts to disprove its existance".
227-230 BibTeX
Volume 3, Number 4
CODASYL: Reports of the Data Description Language Committee.
247-320 BibTeX