
Jason Morphett

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7 Yongmin Li Li, Li-Qun Xu, Jason Morphett, Richard Jacobs: An integrated algorithm of incremental and robust PCA. ICIP (1) 2003: 245-248
6EESteve Benford, Chris Greenhalgh, Michael P. Craven, Graham Walker, Tim Regan, Jason Morphett, John Wyver: Inhabited television: broadcasting interaction from within collaborative virtual environments. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 7(4): 510-547 (2000)
5 Steve Benford, Chris Greenhalgh, Michael P. Craven, Graham Walker, Tim Regan, Jason Morphett, John Wyver, John Bowers: Broadcasting on-line social interaction as inhabited television. ECSCW 1999: 179-
4 Mark Billinghurst, J. Bowskill, M. Jessop, Jason Morphett: Spatial Conferencing Using a Wearable Computer. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 3(1/2): (1999)
3EEMark Billinghurst, J. Bowskill, M. Jessop, Jason Morphett: A Wearable Spatial Conferencing Space. ISWC 1998: 76-83
2EESimon Powers, Mike Hinds, Jason Morphett: DEE: an architecture for distributed virtual environment gaming . Distributed Systems Engineering 5(3): 107-117 (1998)
1EEJ. Bowskill, Jason Morphett, John Downie: A Taxonomy for Enhanced Reality Systems. ISWC 1997: 175-176

Coauthor Index

1Steve Benford [5] [6]
2Mark Billinghurst [3] [4]
3John Bowers [5]
4J. Bowskill [1] [3] [4]
5Michael P. Craven [5] [6]
6John Downie [1]
7Chris Greenhalgh [5] [6]
8Mike Hinds [2]
9Richard Jacobs [7]
10M. Jessop [3] [4]
11Yongmin Li Li [7]
12Simon Powers [2]
13Tim Regan [5] [6]
14Graham Walker [5] [6]
15John Wyver [5] [6]
16Li-Qun Xu [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)