Juan Lloréns
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2007 | ||
25 | EE | Anabel Fraga, Juan Lloréns: Training Initiative for New Software/Enterprise Architects: An Ontological Approach. WICSA 2007: 19 |
24 | EE | Anabel Fraga, Juan Lloréns: The Challenge of Training New Architects: an Ontological and Reinforcement-Learning Methodology. JSW 2(5): 24-28 (2007) |
2006 | ||
23 | EE | Juan Llorens Morillo, José Miguel Fuentes, Rubén Prieto-Díaz, Hernán Astudillo: Incremental Software Reuse. ICSR 2006: 386-389 |
22 | EE | Anabel Fraga, Sonia Sanchéz-Cuadrado, Juan Lloréns, Hernán Astudillo: Knowledge Representation for Software Architecture Domain by Manual and Automatic Methodologies. CLEI Electron. J. 9(1): (2006) |
2005 | ||
21 | EE | Paloma Martínez, Antonio de Amescua Seco, Javier García, Dolores Cuadra, Juan Llorens Morillo, José Miguel Fuentes, Diego Martín, Gonzalo Cuevas Agustín, José Antonio Calvo-Manzano Villalón, Tomás San Feliu Gilabert: Requirements for a knowledge management framework to be used in software intensive organizations. IRI 2005: 554-559 |
20 | EE | Hernán Astudillo, Gonzalo Génova, Michal Smialek, Juan Llorens Morillo, Pierre Metz, Rubén Prieto-Díaz: Use Cases in Model-Driven Software Engineering. MoDELS Satellite Events 2005: 272-279 |
19 | EE | Irene Díaz, Juan Llorens Morillo, Gonzalo Génova, José Miguel Fuentes: Generating domain representations using a relationship model. Inf. Syst. 30(1): 1-19 (2005) |
18 | EE | Gonzalo Génova, Juan Llorens Morillo, Pierre Metz, Rubén Prieto-Díaz, Hernán Astudillo: Open Issues in Industrial Use Case Modeling. Journal of Object Technology 4(6): 7-14 (2005) |
17 | EE | Gonzalo Génova, Juan Llorens Morillo: The Emperor's New Use Case. Journal of Object Technology 4(6): 81-94 (2005) |
2004 | ||
16 | Juan Llorens Morillo, José Miguel Fuentes, Jorge Morato: UML retrieval and reuse using XMI. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2004: 740-746 | |
15 | EE | Gonzalo Génova, Juan Llorens Morillo, Pierre Metz, Rubén Prieto-Díaz, Hernán Astudillo: Open Issues in Industrial Use Case Modeling. UML Satellite Activities 2004: 52-61 |
14 | EE | Antonio de Amescua Seco, José García, Manuel Velasco, Paloma Martínez, Belén Ruíz, Juan Lloréns, Luis García, Jose Antonio Calvo-Manzano, Tomás San Feliu Gilabert: A Software Project Management Framework. IS Management 21(2): 78-85 (2004) |
13 | EE | Juan Lloréns, Manuel Velasco, Antonio de Amescua Seco, José A. Moreiro, Vicente Martínez: Automatic generation of domain representations using thesaurus structures. JASIST 55(10): 846-858 (2004) |
12 | EE | Gonzalo Génova, Juan Lloréns, José Miguel Fuentes: UML Associations: A Structural and Contextual View. Journal of Object Technology 3(7): 83-100 (2004) |
2003 | ||
11 | EE | Juan Lloréns, Rubén Prieto-Díaz: Is KS=(D+I+S+K)*E + KM? ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 28(2): 11 (2003) |
10 | EE | José Miguel Fuentes, Víctor Quintana, Juan Lloréns, Gonzalo Génova, Rubén Prieto-Díaz: Errors in the UML metamodel? ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 28(6): 3 (2003) |
9 | EE | Jorge Morato, Juan Lloréns, Gonzalo Génova, José A. Moreiro: Experiments in discourse analysis impact on information classification and retrieval algorithms. Inf. Process. Manage. 39(6): 825-851 (2003) |
8 | EE | Gonzalo Génova, Carlos Ruiz del Castillo, Juan Lloréns: Mapping UML Associations into Java Code. Journal of Object Technology 2(5): 135-162 (2003) |
2002 | ||
7 | EE | Juan Lloréns, Hernán Astudillo: Automatic Generation of Hierarchical Taxonomies from Free Text Using Linguistic Algorithms. OOIS Workshops 2002: 74-83 |
6 | EE | Gonzalo Génova, Juan Lloréns, Víctor Quintana: Digging into Use Case Relationships. UML 2002: 115-127 |
5 | Irene Díaz, Jorge Morato, Juan Lloréns: An algorithm for term conflation based on tree structures. JASIST 53(3): 199-208 (2002) | |
4 | EE | Gonzalo Génova, Juan Lloréns, Paloma Martínez: The meaning of multiplicity of n-ary associations in UML. Software and System Modeling 1(2): 86-97 (2002) |
2001 | ||
3 | Juan Llorens Morillo, José Miguel Fuentes, Irene Díaz: RSHP: A Scheme to Classify Information in a Domain Analysis Environment. ICEIS (2) 2001: 686-690 | |
2 | EE | Gonzalo Génova, Juan Lloréns, Paloma Martínez: Semantics of the Minimum Multiplicity in Ternary Associations in UML. UML 2001: 329-341 |
1999 | ||
1 | Antonio de Amescua Seco, Adoración de Miguel Castaño, Javier García Guzmán, Juan Llorens Morillo, Luis Fernández Sanz: Guide to Develop an Euromethod Compatible Information System Methodology: A Practical Experience of its Development. ICEIS 1999: 777 |