
K. J. M. Moriarty

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6EEH. Kröger, X. Q. Luo, K. J. M. Moriarty: Thermodynamical observables in a finite temperature window from the Monte Carlo Hamiltonian. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 62(3-6): 377-383 (2003)
5EEK. J. M. Moriarty, Sergiu Sanielevici, Thomas P. Trappenberg: High Speed Monte Carlo Simulations on Vector Parallel Computers. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 3(3-4): 165-175 (1994)
4EES. Huang, K. J. M. Moriarty, E. Ann Myers, J. Potvin: Information optimization for Monte Carlo data and application to high-temperature quantum chromodynamics. SC 1990: 742-747
3EEJ.-M. Drouffe, K. J. M. Moriarty: Fortran Program for the Four-Dimensional Ising Model. International Journal of High Speed Computing 2(2): 133-142 (1990)
2EEK. J. M. Moriarty: Optimization of the Fortran Code for the Three-Dimensional Ising Model on the M64/60. International Journal of High Speed Computing 1(3): 505-516 (1989)
1 David Barkai, K. J. M. Moriarty, Claudio Rebbi: A Modified Conjugate Gradient Solver for Very Large Systems. ICPP 1985: 284-290

Coauthor Index

1David Barkai [1]
2J.-M. Drouffe [3]
3S. Huang [4]
4H. Kröger [6]
5X. Q. Luo [6]
6E. Ann Myers [4]
7J. Potvin [4]
8Claudio Rebbi [1]
9Sergiu Sanielevici [5]
10Thomas P. Trappenberg [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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