
David Barkai

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4EEMilan Milenkovic, Scott H. Robinson, Rob C. Knauerhase, David Barkai, Sharad Garg, Vijay Tewari, Todd A. Anderson, Mic Bowman: Toward Internet Distributed Computing. IEEE Computer 36(5): 38-46 (2003)
3EEDavid Barkai: Internet Distributed Computing: The Intersection of Web Services, P2P, and Grid Computing. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2002: 3
2EEDavid Barkai: Technologies for Sharing and Collaborating on the Net. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2001: 13-28
1 David Barkai, K. J. M. Moriarty, Claudio Rebbi: A Modified Conjugate Gradient Solver for Very Large Systems. ICPP 1985: 284-290

Coauthor Index

1Todd A. Anderson [4]
2Mic Bowman [4]
3Sharad Garg [4]
4Rob C. Knauerhase [4]
5Milan Milenkovic [4]
6K. J. M. Moriarty [1]
7Claudio Rebbi [1]
8Scott H. Robinson [4]
9Vijay Tewari [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)