
Andrew Moran

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13EEAvik Sinha, Carol Smidts, Andrew Moran: Enhanced Testing of Domain Specific Applications by Automatic Extraction of Axioms from Functional Specifications. ISSRE 2003: 181-190
12EEAndrew Moran, David Sands, Magnus Carlsson: Erratic Fudgets: a semantic theory for an embedded coordination language. Sci. Comput. Program. 46(1-2): 99-135 (2003)
11EEDavid Sands, Jörgen Gustavsson, Andrew Moran: Lambda Calculi and Linear Speedups. The Essence of Computation 2002: 60-84
10EELevent Erkök, John Launchbury, Andrew Moran: Semantics of value recursion for Monadic Input/Output. ITA 36(2): 155-180 (2002)
9 Andrew Moran, Jim Teisher, Andrew Gill, Emir Pasalic, John Veneruso: Automated translation of legacy code for ATE. ITC 2001: 148-156
8 Simon Marlow, Simon L. Peyton Jones, Andrew Moran, John H. Reppy: Asynchronous Exceptions in Haskell. PLDI 2001: 274-285
7EEAndrew Moran, David Sands, Magnus Carlsson: Erratic Fudgets: A Semantic Theory for an Embedded Coordination Language. COORDINATION 1999: 85-102
6 Søren B. Lassen, Andrew Moran: Unique Fixed Point Induction for McCarthy's Amb. MFCS 1999: 198-208
5EEAndrew Moran, David Sands: Improvement in a Lazy Context: An Operational Theory for Call-by-Need. POPL 1999: 43-56
4EEAndrew Moran, Søren B. Lassen, Simon L. Peyton Jones: Imprecise Exceptions, Co-Inductively. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 26: (1999)
3 John Hughes, Andrew Moran: Making Choices Lazily. FPCA 1995: 108-119
2 Paul A. Bailes, Ming Gong, Andrew Moran: Why Functional Languages Really Need Parallelism. ICCI 1993: 423-427
1 John Hughes, Andrew Moran: A Semantics for Locally Bottom-Avoiding Choice. Functional Programming 1992: 102-112

Coauthor Index

1Paul A. Bailes [2]
2Magnus Carlsson [7] [12]
3Levent Erkök [10]
4Andrew Gill [9]
5Ming Gong [2]
6Jörgen Gustavsson [11]
7John Hughes [1] [3]
8Simon L. Peyton Jones [4] [8]
9Søren B. Lassen [4] [6]
10John Launchbury [10]
11Simon Marlow [8]
12Emir Pasalic [9]
13John H. Reppy [8]
14David Sands [5] [7] [11] [12]
15Avik Sinha [13]
16Carol Smidts [13]
17Jim Teisher [9]
18John Veneruso [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)