
Michael Molla

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5EEMichael Molla, Jude W. Shavlik, Thomas Albert, Todd Richmond, Steven Smith: A Self-Tuning Method for One-Chip SNP Identification. CSB 2004: 69-79
4 Michael Molla, Michael Waddell, David Page, Jude W. Shavlik: Using Machine Learning to Design and Interpret Gene-Expression Microarrays. AI Magazine 25(1): 23-44 (2004)
3 J. B. Tobler, Michael Molla, Emile F. Nuwaysir, R. D. Green, Jude W. Shavlik: Evaluating machine learning approaches for aiding probe selection for gene-expression arrays. ISMB 2002: 164-171
2 Michael Molla, Peter Andreae, Jeremy D. Glasner, Frederick R. Blattner, Jude W. Shavlik: Interpreting Microarray Expression Data Using Text Annotating the Genes. JCIS 2002: 1224-1230
1EEMichael Molla, Peter Andreae, Jeremy D. Glasner, Frederick R. Blattner, Jude W. Shavlik: Interpreting microarray expression data using text annotating the genes. Inf. Sci. 146(1-4): 75-88 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Albert [5]
2Peter Andreae [1] [2]
3Frederick R. Blattner [1] [2]
4Jeremy D. Glasner [1] [2]
5R. D. Green [3]
6Emile F. Nuwaysir [3]
7C. David Page Jr. (David Page) [4]
8Todd Richmond [5]
9Jude W. Shavlik [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
10Steven Smith [5]
11J. B. Tobler [3]
12Michael Waddell [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)