
Magdi A. Mohamed

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9EEWei Qu, Dan Schonfeld, Magdi A. Mohamed: A distributed architecture for collaborative real-time video tracking. SMC 2007: 2102-2107
8EEMagdi A. Mohamed, Weimin Xiao: Q-metrics: An efficient formulation of normalized distance functions. SMC 2007: 2108-2113
7EEMagdi A. Mohamed, Weimin Xiao: Q-Aggregates: The smallest universal nonlinear connective operators. SMC 2007: 2119-2124
6EEMagdi A. Mohamed, Weimin Xiao: Q-Filter computational structures for paradigm shifts in data engineering. SMC 2007: 2125-2130
5EEWeimin Xiao, Magdi A. Mohamed: Radial basis function networks with Q-Metric & Q-Aggregate nodes. SMC 2007: 2137-2142
4 Paul D. Gader, James M. Keller, Raghu Krishnapuram, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Magdi A. Mohamed: Neural and Fuzzy Methods in Handwriting Recognition. IEEE Computer 30(2): 79-86 (1997)
3 Paul D. Gader, Magdi A. Mohamed, Jung-Hsien Chiang: Handwritten word recognition with character and inter-character neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 27(1): 158-164 (1997)
2EEMagdi A. Mohamed, Paul D. Gader: Handwritten Word Recognition Using Segmentation-Free Hidden Markov Modeling and Segmentation-Based Dynamic Programming Techniques. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 18(5): 548-554 (1996)
1EEPaul D. Gader, Magdi A. Mohamed, James M. Keller: Fusion of handwritten word classifiers. Pattern Recognition Letters 17(6): 577-584 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Jung-Hsien Chiang [3] [4]
2Paul D. Gader [1] [2] [3] [4]
3James M. Keller [1] [4]
4Raghu Krishnapuram (Raghuram Krishnapuram) [4]
5Wei Qu [9]
6Dan Schonfeld [9]
7Weimin Xiao [5] [6] [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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