
Paul D. Gader

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35EERaazia Mazhar, Paul D. Gader: EK-SVD: Optimized dictionary design for sparse representations. ICPR 2008: 1-4
34EEAlina Zare, Paul D. Gader: Endmember detection using the Dirichlet process. ICPR 2008: 1-4
33EEAndres Mendez-Vazquez, Paul D. Gader, James M. Keller, K. Chamberlin: Minimum Classification Error Training for Choquet Integrals With Applications to Landmine Detection. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 16(1): 225-238 (2008)
32EEAndres Mendez-Vazquez, Paul D. Gader: Sparsity Promotion Models for the Choquet Integral. FOCI 2007: 454-459
31EEMihail Popescu, Paul D. Gader, James M. Keller: Fuzzy spatial pattern processing using linguistic hidden Markov models. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 14(1): 81-92 (2006)
30EEAli K. Hocaoglu, Paul D. Gader: Domain learning using Choquet integral-based morphological shared weight neural networks. Image Vision Comput. 21(7): 663-673 (2003)
29EEPaul D. Gader: Pattern Recognition for Humanitarian De-mining. ICPR (2) 2002: 521-522
28 Nipon Theera-Umpon, Paul D. Gader: System-level training of neural networks for counting white blood cells. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 32(1): 48-53 (2002)
27EESansanee Auephanwiriyakul, James M. Keller, Paul D. Gader: Generalized Choquet fuzzy integral fusion. Information Fusion 3(1): 69-85 (2002)
26EERonald J. Stanley, Paul D. Gader, K. C. Ho: Feature and decision level sensor fusion of electromagnetic induction and ground penetrating radar sensors for landmine detection with hand-held units. Information Fusion 3(3): 215-223 (2002)
25EEJinhui Liu, Paul D. Gader: Neural networks with enhanced outlier rejection ability for off-line handwritten word recognition. Pattern Recognition 35(10): 2061-2071 (2002)
24 Hichem Frigui, Paul D. Gader, Raghu Krishnapuram: Handwritten Character Membership Function Estimation for Word Recognition. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 928-931
23EEDavid DeKruger, Jesse Hodge, James C. Bezdek, James M. Keller, Paul D. Gader: Detecting mobile land targets in LADAR imagery with fuzzy algorithms. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 10(3-4): 197-213 (2001)
22EENipon Theera-Umpon, Edward R. Dougherty, Paul D. Gader: Non-homothetic granulometric mixing theory with application to blood cell counting. Pattern Recognition 34(12): 2547-2560 (2001)
21 Brijesh Verma, Paul D. Gader, Wen-Tsong Chen: Fusion of multiple handwritten word recognition techniques. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(9): 991-998 (2001)
20EENipon Theera-Umpon, Paul D. Gader: Training Neural Networks to Count White Blood Cells via a Minimum Counting Error Objective Function. ICPR 2000: 2299-2302
19EEJinhui Liu, Paul D. Gader: Outlier Rejection with MLPs and Variants of RBF Networks. ICPR 2000: 2680-2683
18EEMohamed A. Khabou, Paul D. Gader, James M. Keller: LADAR target detection using morphological shared-weight neural networks. Mach. Vis. Appl. 11(6): 300-305 (2000)
17EEPaul D. Gader, Mohamed A. Khabou, Alexander Koldobsky: Morphological regularization neural networks. Pattern Recognition 33(6): 935-944 (2000)
16EEPaul D. Gader, B. N. Nelson, Hichem Frigui, G. Vaillette, James M. Keller: Fuzzy logic detection of landmines with ground penetrating radar. Signal Processing 80(6): 1069-1084 (2000)
15EEWen-Tsong Chen, Paul D. Gader, Hongchi Shi: Lexicon-Driven Handwritten Word Recognition Using Optimal Linear Combinations of Order Statistics. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 21(1): 77-82 (1999)
14 Ronald J. Stanley, James M. Keller, Paul D. Gader, Charles William Caldwell: Data Driven Homolog Matching for Chromosome Identification. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 17(3): 451-462 (1998)
13EEHongchi Shi, Paul D. Gader, Wen-Tsong Chen: Fuzzy Integral Filters: Properties and Parallel Implementation. Real-Time Imaging 4(4): 233-241 (1998)
12EEHongchi Shi, Paul D. Gader, Hongzheng Li: Parallel Mesh Algorithms for Grid Graph Shortest Paths with Application to Separation of Touching Chromosomes. The Journal of Supercomputing 12(1-2): 69-83 (1998)
11 Hongchi Shi, Paul D. Gader: Practical Mesh Algorithms for Finding Shortest Paths in Grid Graphs. PDPTA 1997: 725-731
10 Paul D. Gader, James M. Keller, Raghu Krishnapuram, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Magdi A. Mohamed: Neural and Fuzzy Methods in Handwriting Recognition. IEEE Computer 30(2): 79-86 (1997)
9 Paul D. Gader, Magdi A. Mohamed, Jung-Hsien Chiang: Handwritten word recognition with character and inter-character neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 27(1): 158-164 (1997)
8EEJung-Hsien Chiang, Paul D. Gader: Recognition of handprinted numerals in VISA® card application forms. Mach. Vis. Appl. 10(3): 144-149 (1997)
7EEPaul D. Gader, Mohamed A. Khabou: Automatic Feature Generation for Handwritten Digit Recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 18(12): 1256-1261 (1996)
6EEMagdi A. Mohamed, Paul D. Gader: Handwritten Word Recognition Using Segmentation-Free Hidden Markov Modeling and Segmentation-Based Dynamic Programming Techniques. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 18(5): 548-554 (1996)
5EEPaul D. Gader, Magdi A. Mohamed, James M. Keller: Fusion of handwritten word classifiers. Pattern Recognition Letters 17(6): 577-584 (1996)
4EEJames M. Keller, Paul D. Gader, Ozy Sjahputera, Charles William Caldwell, Hui-Ming Tim Huang: A Fuzzy Logic Rule-Based System for Chromosome Recognition. CBMS 1995: 125-132
3EEPaul D. Gader, Joseph R. Miramonti, Yonggwan Won, Patrick Coffield: Segmentation free shared weight networks for automatic vehicle detection. Neural Networks 8(9): 1457-1473 (1995)
2EEPaul D. Gader, Brian Forester, Margaret Ganzberger, Andrew Gillies, Brian Mitchell, Michael W. Whalen, Todd Yocum: Recognition of handwritten digits using template and model matching. Pattern Recognition 24(5): 421-431 (1991)
1 Gerhard X. Ritter, Paul D. Gader: Image Algebra Techniques for Parallel Image Processing. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 4(1): 7-44 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Sansanee Auephanwiriyakul [27]
2James C. Bezdek [23]
3Charles William Caldwell [4] [14]
4K. Chamberlin [33]
5Wen-Tsong Chen [13] [15] [21]
6Jung-Hsien Chiang [8] [9] [10]
7Patrick Coffield [3]
8David DeKruger [23]
9Edward R. Dougherty [22]
10Brian Forester [2]
11Hichem Frigui [16] [24]
12Margaret Ganzberger [2]
13Andrew Gillies [2]
14K. C. Ho [26]
15Ali K. Hocaoglu [30]
16Jesse Hodge [23]
17Hui-Ming Tim Huang [4]
18James M. Keller [4] [5] [10] [14] [16] [18] [23] [27] [31] [33]
19Mohamed A. Khabou [7] [17] [18]
20Alexander Koldobsky [17]
21Raghu Krishnapuram (Raghuram Krishnapuram) [10] [24]
22Hongzheng Li [12]
23Jinhui Liu [19] [25]
24Raazia Mazhar [35]
25Andres Mendez-Vazquez [32] [33]
26Joseph R. Miramonti [3]
27Brian Mitchell [2]
28Magdi A. Mohamed [5] [6] [9] [10]
29B. N. Nelson [16]
30Mihail Popescu [31]
31Gerhard X. Ritter [1]
32Hongchi Shi [11] [12] [13] [15]
33Ozy Sjahputera [4]
34Ronald J. Stanley [14] [26]
35Nipon Theera-Umpon [20] [22] [28]
36G. Vaillette [16]
37Brijesh Verma [21]
38Michael W. Whalen [2]
39Yonggwan Won [3]
40Todd Yocum [2]
41Alina Zare [34]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)