
Karyn Moffatt

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8EELeah Findlater, Karyn Moffatt, Joanna McGrenere, Jessica Dawson: Ephemeral adaptation: the use of gradual onset to improve menu selection performance. CHI 2009: 1655-1664
7EEKaryn Moffatt, Sandra Yuen, Joanna McGrenere: Hover or tap?: supporting pen-based menu navigation for older adults. ASSETS 2008: 51-58
6EEKaryn Moffatt: Increasing the accessibility of pen-based technology: an investigation of age-related target acquisition difficulties. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 2625-2628
5EEKaryn Moffatt, Joanna McGrenere: Slipping and drifting: using older users to uncover pen-based target acquisition difficulties. ASSETS 2007: 11-18
4EEShari Trewin, Simeon Keates, Karyn Moffatt: Developing steady clicks: : a method of cursor assistance for people with motor impairments. ASSETS 2006: 26-33
3EEJordan L. Boyd-Graber, Sonya S. Nikolova, Karyn Moffatt, Kenrick C. Kin, Joshua Y. Lee, Lester W. Mackey, Marilyn Tremaine, Maria M. Klawe: Participatory design with proxies: developing a desktop-PDA system to support people with aphasia. CHI 2006: 151-160
2EEKimberly Tee, Karyn Moffatt, Leah Findlater, Eve MacGregor, Joanna McGrenere, Barbara Purves, Sidney Fels: A visual recipe book for persons with language impairments. CHI 2005: 501-510
1EEKaryn Moffatt, Joanna McGrenere, Barbara Purves, Maria M. Klawe: The participatory design of a sound and image enhanced daily planner for people with aphasia. CHI 2004: 407-414

Coauthor Index

1Jordan L. Boyd-Graber [3]
2Jessica Dawson [8]
3Sidney Fels (S. Sidney Fels) [2]
4Leah Findlater [2] [8]
5Simeon Keates [4]
6Kenrick C. Kin [3]
7Maria M. Klawe [1] [3]
8Joshua Y. Lee [3]
9Eve MacGregor [2]
10Lester W. Mackey [3]
11Joanna McGrenere [1] [2] [5] [7] [8]
12Sonya S. Nikolova [3]
13Barbara Purves [1] [2]
14Kimberly Tee [2]
15Marilyn Tremaine (Marilyn M. Mantei) [3]
16Shari Trewin [4]
17Sandra Yuen [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)