
William Mitchell

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8EETerry R. Robison, Du Zhang, William Mitchell: Discovery agent deployment in diverse SAN environments. IRI 2005: 439-444
7EERachel Henne-Wu, William Mitchell, Cui Zhang: Support for Design by ContractTM in the CTM Programming Language. Journal of Object Technology 4(7): 65-82 (2005)
6 William Mitchell: Class assertions - an emerging factor in software engineering. Computers and Their Applications 2001: 48-52
5EEWilliam Mitchell: What is to become of programming? SIGCSE 1989: 131-135
4EEWilliam Mitchell, John Beidler, Christine Shannon, Waldo Roth, Bob Cupper, Tom Harbron: Accreditation of small college computing programs(panel session). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1986: 395-396
3EEWilliam Mitchell: Retraining computing faculty: a perspective. SIGCSE 1986: 203-210
2EENorman Soong, Charles Atwood, Charles Eastman, William Mitchell, Douglas Stoker: Blueprints for the computer city: The quest for an architect's computer. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1984: 303-304
1 William Mitchell: Ramsey Cardinals and Constructibility. J. Symb. Log. 44(2): 260-266 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Charles Atwood [2]
2John Beidler [4]
3Bob Cupper [4]
4Charles Eastman [2]
5Tom Harbron [4]
6Rachel Henne-Wu [7]
7Terry R. Robison [8]
8Waldo Roth [4]
9Christine Shannon [4]
10Norman Soong [2]
11Douglas Stoker [2]
12Cui Zhang [7]
13Du Zhang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)