
Keith Mitchell

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15EEKeith Mitchell, Nicholas J. P. Race, Duncan McCaffery, Mark Bryson, Zhen Cai: Unified and Personalized Messaging to Support E-Learning. WMTE 2006: 164-168
14EEKeith Mitchell, Nicholas J. P. Race, Michael Clarke: CANVIS: context-aware network visualization using smartphones. Mobile HCI 2005: 175-182
13EEKeith Mitchell, Nicholas J. P. Race: uLearn: Facilitating Ubiquitous Learning through Camera Equipped Mobile Phones. WMTE 2005: 274-281
12EEKeith Mitchell, Duncan McCaffery, George Metaxas, Joe Finney, Stefan Schmid, Andrew Scott: Six in the city: introducing Real Tournament - a mobile IPv6 based context-aware multiplayer game. NETGAMES 2003: 91-100
11EEKeith Cheverst, Keith Mitchell, Nigel Davies: The role of adaptive hypermedia in a context-aware tourist GUIDE. Commun. ACM 45(5): 47-51 (2002)
10EEKeith Cheverst, Keith Mitchell, Nigel Davies: Exploring Context-aware Information Push. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 6(4): 276-281 (2002)
9EEKeith Cheverst, Gareth Smith, Keith Mitchell, Adrian Friday, Nigel Davies: The role of shared context in supporting cooperation between city visitors. Computers & Graphics 25(4): 555-562 (2001)
8EENigel Davies, Keith Cheverst, Keith Mitchell, Alon Efrat: Using and Determining Location in a Context-Sensitive Tour Guide. IEEE Computer 34(8): 35-41 (2001)
7EEKeith Cheverst, Nigel Davies, Keith Mitchell, Christos Efstratiou: Using Context as a Crystal Ball: Rewards and Pitfalls. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 5(1): 8-11 (2001)
6EEKeith Cheverst, Nigel Davies, Keith Mitchell, Paul Smith: Providing Tailored (Context-Aware) Information to City Visitors. AH 2000: 73-85
5EEKeith Cheverst, Nigel Davies, Keith Mitchell, Adrian Friday, Christos Efstratiou: Developing a context-aware electronic tourist guide: some issues and experiences. CHI 2000: 17-24
4EEKeith Cheverst, Nigel Davies, Keith Mitchell, Adrian Friday: Experiences of developing and deploying a context-aware tourist guide: the GUIDE project. MOBICOM 2000: 20-31
3EEKeith Cheverst, Nigel Davies, Keith Mitchell, Adrian Friday: The Role of Connectivity in Supporting Context-Sensitive Applications. HUC 1999: 193-207
2EENigel Davies, Keith Cheverst, Keith Mitchell, Adrian Friday: 'Caches in the Air': Disseminating Tourist Information in the Guide System. WMCSA 1999: 11-19
1EEKeith Cheverst, Keith Mitchell, Nigel Davies: Design of an object model for a context sensitive tourist GUIDE. Computers & Graphics 23(6): 883-891 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Mark Bryson [15]
2Zhen Cai [15]
3Keith Cheverst [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
4Michael Clarke [14]
5Nigel Davies [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
6Alon Efrat [8]
7Christos Efstratiou [5] [7]
8Joe Finney [12]
9Adrian Friday [2] [3] [4] [5] [9]
10Duncan McCaffery [12] [15]
11George Metaxas [12]
12Nicholas J. P. Race [13] [14] [15]
13Stefan Schmid [12]
14Andrew C. Scott (Andrew Scott, A. C. Scott) [12]
15Gareth Smith [9]
16Paul Smith [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)