
Vojislav B. Misic

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73EEJelena Misic, Vojislav B. Misic: Tradeoff Between CPAN Size and the Number of Working Channels. GLOBECOM 2008: 4901-4905
72EEVojislav B. Misic, Jelena Misic: Reducing Sensing Error in Cognitive PANs through Modulation of Sensing Probability. GLOBECOM 2008: 5249-5253
71EEVojislav B. Misic, Jelena V. Misic: Performance of Incomplete Channel Sensing for Frequency Hopping Cognitive Personal Area Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2008: 339-344
70EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic: Making the best of limited resources: differential sensing in cognitive PANs. MSWiM 2008: 70-77
69EEVojislav B. Misic, Yu Wang: Best papers from the WWASN2007 workshop. IJPEDS 23(6): 427-428 (2008)
68EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic: Enforcing patient privacy in healthcare WSNs through key distribution algorithms. Security and Communication Networks 1(5): 417-429 (2008)
67EEVojislav B. Misic, Jobaida Begum: Evaluating the Feasibility of Traffic-Based Intrusion Detection in an 802.15.4 Sensor Cluster. AINA 2007: 619-624
66EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic: Lifetime Equalization with Key Exchanges in IEEE 802.15.4 Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 5153-5158
65 Vojislav B. Misic: Editorial: Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks WWASN 2006. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 3(4): 285-286 (2007)
64 Vojislav B. Misic: Editorial for the special issue on Recent Developments in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks: Selected Papers from the Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Track of the AINA-07 Conference. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 4(3): 175-178 (2007)
63EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic: Implementation of security policy for clinical information systems over wireless sensor networks. Ad Hoc Networks 5(1): 134-144 (2007)
62EEVojislav B. Misic, Jelena V. Misic: Sensing with One or with Four? A Comparison of Two IEEE 802.15.x Protocols for Use in Sensor Networks. IJDSN 3(1): 87-104 (2007)
61EEFemi G. Olumofin, Vojislav B. Misic: A holistic architecture assessment method for software product lines. Information & Software Technology 49(4): 309-323 (2007)
60 John F. Roddick, V. Richard Benjamins, Samira Si-Said Cherfi, Roger H. L. Chiang, Christophe Claramunt, Ramez Elmasri, Fabio Grandi, Hyoil Han, Martin Hepp, Miltiadis D. Lytras, Vojislav B. Misic, Geert Poels, Il-Yeol Song, Juan Trujillo, Christelle Vangenot: Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Theory and Practice, ER 2006 Workshops BP-UML, CoMoGIS, COSS, ECDM, OIS, QoIS, SemWAT, Tucson, AZ, USA, November 6-9, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
59EEJelena V. Misic, Carol J. Fung, Vojislav B. Misic: On Bridge Residence Times in Master-Slave Connected 802.15.4 Clusters. AINA (2) 2006: 286-290
58EERoger H. L. Chiang, Vojislav B. Misic: Preface for CoSS 2006. ER (Workshops) 2006: 171
57EEVojislav B. Misic: Designing Service-Based Applications: Teaching the Old Dogs New Tricks ...or Is It the Other Way Around? ER (Workshops) 2006: 203-205
56EEJelena V. Misic, Carol J. Fung, Vojislav B. Misic: On Node Population in a Multi-Level 802.15.4 Sensor Network. GLOBECOM 2006
55EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic: Wireless Sensor Networks for Clinical Information Systems: A Security Perspective. ICDCS Workshops 2006: 90
54EEDuraid Ibrahim, Vojislav B. Misic: Service Views: a Coherent View Model of the SOA in the Enterprise. IEEE SCC 2006: 230-237
53EEJelena V. Misic, Shairmina Shafi, Vojislav B. Misic: Admission control in 802.15.4 beacon enabled clusters. IWCMC 2006: 1259-1264
52EEVojislav B. Misic: Perceptions of extreme programming: an exploratory study. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(2): 1-8 (2006)
51EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic: Wireless sensor networks: Performance, reliability, security, and beyond. Computer Communications 29(13-14): 2447-2449 (2006)
50EEJelena V. Misic, Shairmina Shafi, Vojislav B. Misic: Performance limitations of the MAC layer in 802.15.4 low rate WPAN. Computer Communications 29(13-14): 2534-2541 (2006)
49EEJelena V. Misic, Gonapati Rajashekar Reddy, Vojislav B. Misic: Activity scheduling based on cross-layer information in Bluetooth sensor networks. Computer Communications 29(17): 3385-3396 (2006)
48EEJelena V. Misic, Shairmina Shafi, Vojislav B. Misic: Performance of a Beacon Enabled IEEE 802.15.4 Cluster with Downlink and Uplink Traffic. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(4): 361-376 (2006)
47EEJelena V. Misic, Shairmina Shafi, Vojislav B. Misic: Real-time admission control in 802.15.4 sensor clusters. IJSNet 1(1/2): 34-40 (2006)
46EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic, Carol J. Fung: Interconnecting 802.15.4 Clusters in Master-slave Mode Using Guaranteed Time Slots and Acknowledged Transfers: Queueing Theoretic Analysis. Journal of Interconnection Networks 7(1): 117-132 (2006)
45EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic, Carol J. Fung, Shairmina Shafi: Faster Lanes, Longer Lifetimes: Activity Management in Interconnected 802.15.4 Sensor Clusters. MONET 11(5): 741-756 (2006)
44EEJelena V. Misic, Ka Lok Chan, Vojislav B. Misic: Impact of Bluetooth MAC layer on the performance of TCP traffic. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 6: 865-876 (2006)
43 Jelena V. Misic, Shairmina Shafi, Vojislav B. Misic: Activity management through bernoulli scheduling in 802.15.4 sensor clusters. BROADNETS 2005: 538-550
42EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic, Gonapati Rajashekar Reddy: On the Performance of Bluetooth Scatternets with Finite Buffers. ICDCS Workshops 2005: 865-870
41EEJelena V. Misic, Shairmina Shafi, Vojislav B. Misic: Avoiding the Bottlenecks in the MAC Layer in 802.15.4 Low Rate WPAN. ICPADS (2) 2005: 363-367
40EEJelena V. Misic, Jun Fung, Vojislav B. Misic: Interconnecting 802.15.4 clusters in master-slave mode: queueing theoretic analysis. ISPAN 2005: 378-385
39EEJelena V. Misic, Shairmina Shafi, Vojislav B. Misic: Modeling a Beacon Enabled 802.15.4 Cluster with Bidirectional Traffic. NETWORKING 2005: 228-239
38EEJelena V. Misic, Shairmina Shafi, Vojislav B. Misic: Maintaining Reliability Through Activity Management in 802.15.4 Sensor Networks. QSHINE 2005: 5
37EEFemi G. Olumofin, Vojislav B. Misic: Extending the ATAM Architecture Evaluation to Product Line Architectures. WICSA 2005: 45-56
36 Jelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic: Duty Cycle Management in Sensor Networks Based on 802.15.4 Beacon Enabled MAC. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 1(3): (2005)
35EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic, Ka Lok Chan: Talk and let talk: performance of Bluetooth piconets with synchronous traffic. Ad Hoc Networks 3(4): 451-477 (2005)
34EEJelena V. Misic, Shairmina Shafi, Vojislav B. Misic: The impact of MAC parameters on the performance of 802.15.4 PAN. Ad Hoc Networks 3(5): 509-528 (2005)
33EEVojislav B. Misic, Jelena V. Misic, Ka Lok Chan: Walk-In Bridge Scheduling in Bluetooth Scatternets. Cluster Computing 8(2-3): 197-210 (2005)
32EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic: Editorial for the special issue of computer communications 'performance issues of wireless LANs, PANs, and Ad Hoc networks'. Computer Communications 28(10): 1093-1094 (2005)
31EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic: Access delay for nodes with finite buffers in IEEE 802.15.4 beacon enabled PAN with uplink transmissions. Computer Communications 28(10): 1152-1166 (2005)
30EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic: Performance analysis of Bluetooth piconets with finite baseband buffers. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 5: 917-925 (2005)
29EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic, Shairmina Shafi: Performance of IEEE 802.15.4 Beacon Enabled PAN with Uplink Transmissions in Non-Saturation Mode - Access Delay for Finite Buffers. BROADNETS 2004: 416-425
28EEKa Lok Chan, Vojislav B. Misic, Jelena V. Misic: Efficient Polling Schemes for Bluetooth Picocells Revisited. HICSS 2004
27EEVojislav B. Misic, Eric W. S. Ko, Jelena V. Misic: Load and QoS-Adaptive Scheduling in Bluetooth Piconets. HICSS 2004
26EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic: Bluetooth Master/Slave Bridge Scheduling with and without Rendezvous Points. ICDCS Workshops 2004: 742-747
25EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic: Performance of Bluetooth Piconets with Finite Buffers. QSHINE 2004: 282-289
24EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic, Ka Lok Chan: Performance of Bluetooth bridge scheduling algorithms. Computer Communications 27(12): 1143-1151 (2004)
23EEVojislav B. Misic, Jelena V. Misic: Performance of Bluetooth Bridges in Scatternets with Limited Service Scheduling. MONET 9(1): 73-87 (2004)
22EEVojislav B. Misic, Jelena V. Misic, Ka Lok Chan: Performance of adaptive bridge scheduling in a scatternet with a slave-slave bridge. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 4(1): 85-98 (2004)
21EEJelena V. Misic, Yat Kwan Tang, Vojislav B. Misic: Maintaining Hando .QoS in TD-CDMA Networks. HICSS 2003: 309
20EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic: Performance of Bluetooth Bridges in Scatternets With Exhaustive Service Scheduling. HICSS 2003: 311
19 Vojislav B. Misic: Measuring the Coherence of Software Product Line Architectures. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2003: 364-372
18EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic, Yat Kwan Tang: On uplink call level QoS in DS-CDMA networks. Computer Networks 42(2): 141-173 (2003)
17EEVojislav B. Misic, Jelena V. Misic: Adaptive inter-piconet scheduling in small scatternets. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 7(2): 45-58 (2003)
16EEVojislav B. Misic, Jelena V. Misic: Performance of Bluetooth Slave/Slave Bridge. Telecommunication Systems 22(1-4): 221-239 (2003)
15EEJelena V. Misic, Yat Kwan Tang, Vojislav B. Misic: Admission control in TD-CDMA networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3(2): 209-223 (2003)
14EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic, Yat Kwan Tang: Handoff performance in wireless DS-CDMA networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3(3): 293-309 (2003)
13EEJelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic: On Delay Times in a Bluetooth Piconet: The Impact of Different Scheduling Policies. EurAsia-ICT 2002: 891-898
12EEVojislav B. Misic, Jelena V. Misic: Queueing Analysis of Delays in Bluetooth Slave/Slave Bridge. MASCOTS 2002: 155-
11EEVojislav B. Misic: Cohesion is Structural, Coherence is Functional: Different Views, Different Measures. IEEE METRICS 2001: 135-
10EEVojislav B. Misic: Coherence equals cohesion-or does it? APSEC 2000: 465-
9EEVojislav B. Misic, J. Leon Zhao: Evaluating the Quality of Reference Models. ER 2000: 484-498
8EESimon Moser, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Vojislav B. Misic: Cost estimation based on business models. Journal of Systems and Software 49(1): 33-42 (1999)
7EEVojislav B. Misic, Dejan N. Tesic: Downsizing the Estimation of Software Quality: A Small Object-Oriented Case Study. TOOLS (27) 1998: 308-317
6EEVojislav B. Misic, Dejan N. Tesic: Estimation of effort and complexity: An object-oriented case study. Journal of Systems and Software 41(2): 133-143 (1998)
5EESimon Moser, Vojislav B. Misic: Measuring Class Coupling and Cohesion: A Formal Metamodel Approach. APSEC 1997: 31-
4EEVojislav B. Misic, Simon Moser: A Formal Approach to Metamodeling: A Generic Object-Oriented Perspective. ER 1997: 243-256
3EEVojislav B. Misic, Simon Moser: From Formal Metamodels to Metrics: An Object-Oriented Approach. TOOLS (24) 1997: 330-339
2EESimon Moser, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Vojislav B. Misic: Measuring Object-Oriented Business Models. TOOLS (25) 1997: 340-351
1 Vojislav B. Misic, L. Dusan Velasevic, Branislav Lazarevic: Formal Specification of a Data Dictionary for an Extended ER Data Model. Comput. J. 35(6): 611-622 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Jobaida Begum [67]
2V. Richard Benjamins [60]
3Ka Lok Chan [22] [24] [28] [33] [35] [44]
4Samira Si-Said Cherfi [60]
5Roger H. L. Chiang [58] [60]
6Christophe Claramunt [60]
7Ramez Elmasri [60]
8Carol J. Fung [45] [46] [56] [59]
9Jun Fung [40]
10Fabio Grandi [60]
11Hyoil Han [60]
12Brian Henderson-Sellers [2] [8]
13Martin Hepp [60]
14Duraid Ibrahim [54]
15Eric W. S. Ko [27]
16Branislav Lazarevic [1]
17Miltiadis D. Lytras [60]
18Jelena Misic [72] [73]
19Jelena V. Misic [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [53] [55] [56] [59] [62] [63] [66] [68] [70] [71]
20Simon Moser [2] [3] [4] [5] [8]
21Femi G. Olumofin [37] [61]
22Geert Poels [60]
23Gonapati Rajashekar Reddy [42] [49]
24John F. Roddick [60]
25Shairmina Shafi [29] [34] [38] [39] [41] [43] [45] [47] [48] [50] [53]
26Il-Yeol Song [60]
27Yat Kwan Tang [14] [15] [18] [21]
28Dejan N. Tesic [6] [7]
29Juan Trujillo [60]
30Christelle Vangenot [60]
31L. Dusan Velasevic [1]
32Yu Wang [69]
33J. Leon Zhao [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)