
John Miller

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6EEAtef Suleiman, John Miller: Implementing Thread Cancellation in Multithreaded Prolog Systems. PADL 2009: 122-136
5 Alina Campan, Traian Marius Truta, John Miller, Raluca Sinca: A Clustering Approach for Achieving Data Privacy. DMIN 2007: 321-330
4 David Luper, Delroy Cameron, John Miller, Hamid R. Arabnia: Spatial and Temporal Target Association through Semantic Analysis and GPS Data Mining. IKE 2007: 251-257
3 Latifa Douali, Matt Ernst, John Miller, Michel Dupuis: Melting Free Energies of DNA Duplexes with oxidized Base Residues and Abasic sites: A Molecular Dynamics Characterization. BIOCOMP 2006: 329-337
2EEChristos Gkantsidis, John Miller, Pablo Rodriguez: Comprehensive view of a live network coding P2P system. Internet Measurement Conference 2006: 177-188
1EESharon M. Crook, John Miller, Gwen A. Jacobs: Modeling frequency encoding in the cricket cercal sensory system. Neurocomputing 44-46: 769-773 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Hamid R. Arabnia [4]
2Delroy Cameron [4]
3Alina Campan [5]
4Sharon M. Crook [1]
5Latifa Douali [3]
6Michel Dupuis [3]
7Matt Ernst [3]
8Christos Gkantsidis [2]
9Gwen A. Jacobs [1]
10David Luper [4]
11Pablo Rodriguez [2]
12Raluca Sinca [5]
13Atef Suleiman [6]
14Traian Marius Truta [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)