
Carlo Meloni

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15EEMichele Ciavotta, Paolo Detti, Carlo Meloni, Marco Pranzo: A bi-objective coordination setup problem in a two-stage production system. European Journal of Operational Research 189(3): 734-745 (2008)
14EEPaolo Detti, Carlo Meloni, Marco Pranzo: Local search algorithms for finding the Hamiltonian completion number of line graphs. Annals OR 156(1): 5-24 (2007)
13EECarlo Meloni, David Naso, Biagio Turchiano: Setup coordination between two stages of a production system: A multi-objective evolutionary approach. Annals OR 147(1): 175-198 (2006)
12EEMariagrazia Dotoli, Maria Pia Fanti, Carlo Meloni, M. Zhou: Design and Optimization of Integrated E-Supply Chain for Agile and Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 36(1): 62-75 (2006)
11EEMariagrazia Dotoli, Maria Pia Fanti, Carlo Meloni: Candidate selection for network design of distributed manufacturing systems. SMC (2) 2004: 1613-1618
10EECarlo Meloni, Dario Pacciarelli, Marco Pranzo: A Rollout Metaheuristic for Job Shop Scheduling Problems. Annals OR 131(1-4): 215-235 (2004)
9EEPaolo Detti, Carlo Meloni: A linear algorithm for the Hamiltonian completion number of the line graph of a cactus. Discrete Applied Mathematics 136(2-3): 197-215 (2004)
8EEPaolo Detti, Carlo Meloni, Marco Pranzo: Minimum Dominating Trail Set for Two-Terminal Series Parallel Graphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 17: 117-122 (2004)
7EEMarco Pranzo, Carlo Meloni, Dario Pacciarelli: A New Class of Greedy Heuristics for Job Shop Scheduling Problems. WEA 2003: 223-236
6EEAlessandro Agnetis, Paolo Detti, Carlo Meloni: Process selection and sequencing in a two-agents production system. 4OR 1(2): 103-119 (2003)
5EEPaolo Detti, Carlo Meloni: A channel state dependent scheduling in wireless communication systems. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 13: 38-40 (2003)
4EECarlo Meloni: An Evolutionary Algorithm for the Sequence Coordination in Furniture Production. SAGA 2001: 91-106
3EEAlessandro Agnetis, Paolo Detti, Carlo Meloni, Dario Pacciarelli: Set-Up Coordination between Two Stages of a Supply Chain. Annals OR 107(1-4): 15-32 (2001)
2EECarlo Meloni: A linear algorithm for the Hamiltonian completion number of the line graph of a cactus. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 8: 26 (2001)
1EEAlessandro Agnetis, Paolo Detti, Carlo Meloni, Dario Pacciarelli: A linear algorithm for the Hamiltonian completion number of the line graph of a tree. Inf. Process. Lett. 79(1): 17-24 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Alessandro Agnetis [1] [3] [6]
2Michele Ciavotta [15]
3Paolo Detti [1] [3] [5] [6] [8] [9] [14] [15]
4Mariagrazia Dotoli [11] [12]
5Maria Pia Fanti [11] [12]
6David Naso [13]
7Dario Pacciarelli [1] [3] [7] [10]
8Marco Pranzo [7] [8] [10] [14] [15]
9Biagio Turchiano [13]
10M. Zhou [12]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)