
Stephen J. Melnikoff

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6EEShoaib Burq, Stephen J. Melnikoff, Kim Branson, Rajkumar Buyya: Visual Parameteric Modeler for Rapid Composition of Parameter-Sweep Applications for Processing on Global Grids. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 739-749
5EEShoaib Burq, Stephen J. Melnikoff, Kim Branson, Rajkumar Buyya: Visual Environment for Rapid Composition of Parameter-Sweep Applications for Distributed Processing on Global Grids CoRR cs.DC/0302008: (2003)
4EEStephen J. Melnikoff, Steven F. Quigley, Martin J. Russell: Implementing a Simple Continuous Speech Recognition System on an FPGA. FCCM 2002: 275-276
3EEStephen J. Melnikoff, Steven F. Quigley, Martin J. Russell: Speech Recognition on an FPGA Using Discrete and Continuous Hidden Markov Models. FPL 2002: 202-211
2EEStephen J. Melnikoff, Steven F. Quigley, Martin J. Russell: Implementing a Hidden Markov Model Speech Recognition System in Programmable Logic. FPL 2001: 81-90
1EEStephen J. Melnikoff, Philip James-Roxby, Steven F. Quigley, Martin J. Russell: Reconfigurable Computing for Speech Recognition: Preliminary Findings. FPL 2000: 495-504

Coauthor Index

1Kim Branson [5] [6]
2Shoaib Burq [5] [6]
3Rajkumar Buyya [5] [6]
4Philip James-Roxby [1]
5Steven F. Quigley [1] [2] [3] [4]
6Martin J. Russell [1] [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)