
Vahid Meghdadi

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9EEGuillaume Ferré, Jean-Pierre Cances, Vahid Meghdadi: New Layered Space-Time Schemes Based on Group of Three Transmit Antenna. CNSR 2008: 278-283
8EEMohammad Reza Zahabi, Vahid Meghdadi, Hamid Meghdadi, Jean-Pierre Cances: Versatile graphs for tail-biting convolutional codes. ISCAS 2008: 216-219
7EEAhmed Zahoor, Jean-Pierre Cances, Vahid Meghdadi: Beamforming Applied to New Cooperative Decode-and-Forward Relay Schemes. VTC Spring 2008: 2421-2425
6EES. Salari, M. Ahmadian, M. Ardebilipour, Vahid Meghdadi, Jean-Pierre Cances: Carrier-Frequency Offset Estimation via the EM Algorithm for MIMO-OFDM Iterative Receivers. CNSR 2007: 101-106
5EEMohammad Reza Zahabi, Vahid Meghdadi, Jean-Pierre Cances, Amir Saemi: Mixed Analog and Digital Matched-Filter Design for High Rate WLAN. GLOBECOM 2007: 310-314
4EEAhmed D. Kora, Jean-Pierre Cances, Vahid Meghdadi, Jean-Michel Dumas: New List Sphere Decoding (LSD) Algorithms for MIMO-OFDM Detection with LDPC FEC. GLOBECOM 2007: 3974-3978
3EEAmir Saemi, Jean-Pierre Cances, Vahid Meghdadi: Synchronization algorithms for MIMO OFDMA systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(12): 4441-4451 (2007)
2EEGuillaume Ferré, Jean-Pierre Cances, Vahid Meghdadi, Jean-Michel Dumas: STBC-Based (Turbo) STTC Codes Built by Set Partitioning for Three Transmit Antennas: Construction and Performances. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(3): 827-832 (2007)
1 Guillaume Ferré, Mohamad Jamalullil Syed, Jean-Pierre Cances, Vahid Meghdadi, Jean-Michel Dumas: LDPC-based space-time coded OFDM systems: Turbo-EM receiver design with channel state information guessing algorithms. Annales des Télécommunications 60(5-6): 770-796 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1M. Ahmadian [6]
2M. Ardebilipour [6]
3Jean-Pierre Cances [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
4Jean-Michel Dumas [1] [2] [4]
5Guillaume Ferré [1] [2] [9]
6Ahmed D. Kora [4]
7Hamid Meghdadi [8]
8Amir Saemi [3] [5]
9S. Salari [6]
10Mohamad Jamalullil Syed [1]
11Mohammad Reza Zahabi [5] [8]
12Ahmed Zahoor [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)