
H. Willis Means

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3 H. Paul Haiduk, Mikyeong Ahn, Jon Burgin, Moshe Gotesman, Hans Lyra, H. Willis Means, James Monroe, Sanjukta Patro, Thomas M. English: The Effects of Generating More Offspring from Less-Fit Parents. Evolutionary Programming 1995: 437-447
2EEH. Willis Means: A content analysis of ten introduction to programming textbooks. SIGCSE 1988: 283-287
1EEH. Willis Means: A content analysis of six introduction to computer science textbooks. SIGCSE 1987: 403-413

Coauthor Index

1Mikyeong Ahn [3]
2Jon Burgin [3]
3Thomas M. English [3]
4Moshe Gotesman [3]
5H. Paul Haiduk [3]
6Hans Lyra [3]
7James Monroe [3]
8Sanjukta Patro [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)