
Pawel M. Idziak

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7EEPawel M. Idziak, Keith A. Kearnes, Emil W. Kiss, Matthew Valeriote: Definable principal congruences and solvability. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 157(1): 30-49 (2009)
6EEPawel M. Idziak, Petar Markovic, Ralph McKenzie, Matthew Valeriote, Ross Willard: Tractability and learnability arising from algebras with few subpowers. LICS 2007: 213-224
5EEAndrei A. Bulatov, Pawel M. Idziak: Counting Mal'tsev clones on small sets. Discrete Mathematics 268(1-3): 59-80 (2003)
4EEBrian A. Davey, Pawel M. Idziak, William A. Lampe, George F. McNulty: Dualizability and graph algebras. Discrete Mathematics 214(1-3): 145-172 (2000)
3EEJoel Berman, Pawel M. Idziak: Counting Finite Algebras in the Post Varieties. IJAC 10(3): 323-338 (2000)
2 Pawel M. Idziak: Elementary Theory of Finite Equivalential Algebras. Reports on Mathematical Logic 25: (1991)
1 Katarzyna Idziak, Pawel M. Idziak: Decidability Problem for Finite Heyting Algebras. J. Symb. Log. 53(3): 729-735 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Joel Berman [3]
2Andrei A. Bulatov [5]
3Brian A. Davey [4]
4Katarzyna Idziak [1]
5Keith A. Kearnes [7]
6Emil W. Kiss [7]
7William A. Lampe [4]
8Petar Markovic [6]
9Ralph McKenzie [6]
10George F. McNulty [4]
11Matthew Valeriote [6] [7]
12Ross Willard [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)