
Martin McIntosh

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3EEPei Wang, Hua Tang, Heidi Zhang, Jeffrey Whiteaker, Amanda G. Paulovich, Martin McIntosh: Normalization Regarding Non-Random Missing Values in High-Throughput Mass Spectrometry Data. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2006: 315-326
2EEMatthew Bellew, Marc Coram, Matthew Fitzgibbon, Mark Igra, Tim Randolph, Pei Wang, Damon May, Jimmy K. Eng, Ruihua Fang, ChenWei Lin, Jinzhi Chen, David Goodlett, Jeffrey Whiteaker, Amanda G. Paulovich, Martin McIntosh: A suite of algorithms for the comprehensive analysis of complex protein mixtures using high-resolution LC-MS. Bioinformatics 22(15): 1902-1909 (2006)
1EEBrendan MacLean, Jimmy K. Eng, Ronald C. Beavis, Martin McIntosh: General framework for developing and evaluating database scoring algorithms using the TANDEM search engine. Bioinformatics 22(22): 2830-2832 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Ronald C. Beavis [1]
2Matthew Bellew [2]
3Jinzhi Chen [2]
4Marc Coram [2]
5Jimmy K. Eng [1] [2]
6Ruihua Fang [2]
7Matthew Fitzgibbon [2]
8David Goodlett [2]
9Mark Igra [2]
10ChenWei Lin [2]
11Brendan MacLean [1]
12Damon May [2]
13Amanda G. Paulovich [2] [3]
14Tim Randolph [2]
15Hua Tang [3]
16Pei Wang [2] [3]
17Jeffrey Whiteaker [2] [3]
18Heidi Zhang [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)