
John R. McDonnell

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12EEAaron J. Rice, John R. McDonnell, Andy Spydell, Stewart Stremler: A Player for Tactical Air Strike Games Using Evolutionary Computation. CIG 2006: 83-89
11EEJohn R. McDonnell, Aaron Rice, Andy Spydell, Stewart Stremler: Dynamic tactical air strike asset allocation using evolutionary computation. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 810-815
10EEJohn R. McDonnell, Aaron Rice: Rapid asset allocation for dynamic TACAIR decision support. GECCO Workshops 2005: 187-189
9EEJohn R. McDonnell, Nick Gizzi, Lisa Heinselman, Stewart Stremler, Andy Spydell, Doan Hohmeyer, Aaron Rice: A decision support system for tactical air strike operations. IRI 2005: 155-159
8EESushil J. Louis, John R. McDonnell: Learning with case-injected genetic algorithms. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 8(4): 316-328 (2004)
7 Sushil J. Louis, John R. McDonnell, Doan Hohmeyer, Lisa Heinselman, Andrew Walker: A Case Study in Object Oriented Modeling, Arhchitecting, and Designing an Enterprise Monitoring Application. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2003: 470-475
6 John R. McDonnell, Nick Gizzi, Sushil J. Louis: Strike Force Asset Allocation using Genetic Search. IC-AI 2002: 897-901
5 John R. McDonnell: Asymmetric Mutations for Stochastic Search. Evolutionary Programming 1998: 713-722
4 Peter J. Angeline, Robert G. Reynolds, John R. McDonnell, Russell C. Eberhart: Evolutionary Programming VI, 6th International Conference, EP97, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, April 13-16, 1997, Proceedings Springer 1997
3 John R. McDonnell, Ward C. Page, David B. Fogel, Lawrence J. Fogel: Optimizing Fuel Distribution Through Evolutionary Programming. Evolutionary Programming 1997: 373-382
2 Donald E. Waagen, John R. McDonnell: A Combined Stochastic and Deterministic Approach for Classification Using Generalized Mixture Densities. Evolutionary Programming 1995: 159-174
1 John R. McDonnell, Donald E. Waagen: An Empirical Study of Recombination in Evolutionary Search. Evolutionary Programming 1995: 465-478

Coauthor Index

1Peter J. Angeline [4]
2Russell C. Eberhart [4]
3David B. Fogel [3]
4Lawrence J. Fogel [3]
5Nick Gizzi [6] [9]
6Lisa Heinselman [7] [9]
7Doan Hohmeyer [7] [9]
8Sushil J. Louis [6] [7] [8]
9Ward C. Page [3]
10Robert G. Reynolds [4]
11Aaron Rice [9] [10] [11]
12Aaron J. Rice [12]
13Andy Spydell [9] [11] [12]
14Stewart Stremler [9] [11] [12]
15Donald E. Waagen [1] [2]
16Andrew Walker [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)