
Friedrich Mayer-Lindenberg

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5EEPeter Owotoki, Natasa Manojlovic, Friedrich Mayer-Lindenberg, Erik Pasche: A Data Mining Approach for Capacity Building of Stakeholders in Integrated Flood Management. ICDM 2006: 446-455
4EEFriedrich Mayer-Lindenberg: A Management Scheme for the Basic Types in High Level Languages. SOFSEM 2005: 390-393
3EERawat Siripokarpirom, Friedrich Mayer-Lindenberg: Hardware-Assisted Simulation and Evaluation of IP Cores Using FPGA-Based Rapid Prototyping Boards. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2004: 96-102
2EEOtto Wohlmuth, Friedrich Mayer-Lindenberg: A method for them embedding of arbitrary communication topologies into configurable parallel computers. SAC 1998: 569-574
1 Friedrich Mayer-Lindenberg: Eine einfache Programmiersprache für Mikrocomputer. Angewandte Informatik 23(9): 384-393 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Natasa Manojlovic [5]
2Peter Owotoki [5]
3Erik Pasche [5]
4Rawat Siripokarpirom [3]
5Otto Wohlmuth [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)