
Katrina Maxwell

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8EEAlbert A. Angehrn, Katrina Maxwell, A. Marco Luccini, Federico Rajola: Designing Collaborative Learning and Innovation Systems for Education Professionals. WSKS (1) 2008: 167-176
7EEAlbert A. Angehrn, Katrina Maxwell, Bertrand Sereno: Enhancing social interaction in competence development networks: a conceptual framework. IJLT 3(4): 424-442 (2008)
6 Katrina Maxwell: Software development productivity. Advances in Computers 58: 2-48 (2003)
5EEKatrina Maxwell: Collecting Data for Comparability: Benchmarking Software Development Productivity. IEEE Software 18(5): 22-25 (2001)
4EEKatrina Maxwell, Pekka Forselius: Benchmarking Software-Development Productivity - Applied Research Results. IEEE Software 17(1): (2000)
3EEKatrina Maxwell, Rob J. Kusters: Software project control and metrics. Information & Software Technology 42(14): 963-964 (2000)
2EELionel C. Briand, Khaled El Emam, Dagmar Surmann, Isabella Wieczorek, Katrina Maxwell: An Assessment and Comparison of Common Software Cost Estimation Modeling Techniques. ICSE 1999: 313-322
1EEKatrina Maxwell, Luk Van Wassenhove, Soumitra Dutta: Software Development Productivity of European Space, Military, and Industrial Applications. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 22(10): 706-718 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Albert A. Angehrn [7] [8]
2Lionel C. Briand [2]
3Soumitra Dutta [1]
4Khaled El Emam [2]
5Pekka Forselius [4]
6Rob J. Kusters [3]
7A. Marco Luccini [8]
8Federico Rajola [8]
9Bertrand Sereno [7]
10Dagmar Surmann [2]
11Luk Van Wassenhove [1]
12Isabella Wieczorek [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)