
Tomomi Matsui

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36EEHiroo Saito, Tetsuya Fujie, Tomomi Matsui, Shiro Matuura: A study of the quadratic semi-assignment polytope. Discrete Optimization 6(1): 37-50 (2009)
35EEShuji Kijima, Tomomi Matsui: Randomized approximation scheme and perfect sampler for closed Jackson networks with multiple servers. Annals OR 162(1): 35-55 (2008)
34EEHadas Shachnai, Lisa Zhang, Tomomi Matsui: Exact algorithms for the master ring problem. Networks 52(2): 98-107 (2008)
33EEShuji Kijima, Tomomi Matsui: Approximation Algorithm and Perfect Sampler for Closed Jackson Networks with Single Servers. SIAM J. Comput. 38(4): 1484-1503 (2008)
32EEYuichiro Miyamoto, Tomomi Matsui: Approximation Algorithms for Minimum Span Channel Assignment Problems. AAIM 2006: 334-342
31EENobutomo Fujiwara, Shinji Imahori, Tomomi Matsui, Ryuhei Miyashiro: Constructive Algorithms for the Constant Distance Traveling Tournament Problem. PATAT 2006: 135-146
30EEShu Yamada, Michiyo Matsui, Tomomi Matsui, Dennis K. J. Lin, Takenori Takahashi: A general construction method for mixed-level supersaturated design. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 50(1): 254-265 (2006)
29EERyuhei Miyashiro, Tomomi Matsui: Semidefinite programming based approaches to the break minimization problem. Computers & OR 33: 1975-1982 (2006)
28EEMasaru Iwasa, Hiroo Saito, Tomomi Matsui: Approximation Algorithms for the Single Allocation Problem in Hub-and-Spoke Networks. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 27: 51-52 (2006)
27EEYusuke Kuroki, Tomomi Matsui: Randomized Approximation Algorithm for a Geometrical Multidimensional Assignment Problem. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 27: 63-64 (2006)
26EEAyami Suzuka, Ryuhei Miyashiro, Akiko Yoshise, Tomomi Matsui: Dependent Randomized Rounding to the Home-Away Assignment Problem in Sports Scheduling. IEICE Transactions 89-A(5): 1407-1416 (2006)
25EEShuji Kijima, Tomomi Matsui: Polynomial time perfect sampling algorithm for two-rowed contingency tables. Random Struct. Algorithms 29(2): 243-256 (2006)
24EEYuichiro Miyamoto, Tomomi Matsui: Perfectness and Imperfectness of the kth Power of Lattice Graphs. AAIM 2005: 233-242
23EEAyami Suzuka, Ryuhei Miyashiro, Akiko Yoshise, Tomomi Matsui: Semidefinite Programming Based Approaches to Home-Away Assignment Problems in Sports Scheduling. AAIM 2005: 95-103
22EEYuichiro Miyamoto, Tomomi Matsui: Multicoloring unit disk graphs on triangular lattice points. SODA 2005: 895-896
21EEMasashi Kiyomi, Takeaki Uno, Tomomi Matsui: Efficient Algorithms for the Electric Power Transaction Problem. WINE 2005: 602-611
20EEShuji Kijima, Tomomi Matsui: Approximate/perfect samplers for closed Jackson networks. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 862-868
19EERyuhei Miyashiro, Tomomi Matsui: A polynomial-time algorithm to find an equitable home-away assignment. Oper. Res. Lett. 33(3): 235-241 (2005)
18EETomomi Matsui, Yasuko Matsui, Yoko Ono: Random generation of 2 times 2 times ... times 2 times J contingency tables. Theor. Comput. Sci. 326(1-3): 117-135 (2004)
17 Greg Aloupis, Thomas Fevens, Stefan Langerman, Tomomi Matsui, Antonio Mesa, David Rappaport, Godfried T. Toussaint: Computing the Similarity of two Melodies. CCCG 2003: 81-84
16EETomomi Matsui, Mitsuo Motoki, Naoyuki Kamatani: Polynomial Time Approximate Sampler for Discretized Dirichlet Distribution. ISAAC 2003: 676-685
15EERyuhei Miyashiro, Hideya Iwasaki, Tomomi Matsui: Characterizing Feasible Pattern Sets with a Minimum Number of Breaks. PATAT 2002: 78-99
14EETomomi Matsui, Takahiro Watanabe: Sealed Bid Mulit-object Auctions with Necessary Bundles and Its Application to Spectrum Auctions. PRIMA 2001: 78-92
13EEShiro Matuura, Tomomi Matsui: 63-Approximation Algorithm for MAX DICUT. RANDOM-APPROX 2001: 138-146
12EEYasuko Matsui, Tomomi Matsui: NP-completeness for calculating power indices of weighted majority games. Theor. Comput. Sci. 263(1-2): 305-310 (2001)
11EEMasashi Kiyomi, Tomomi Matsui: Integer Programming Based Algorithms for Peg Solitaire Problems. Computers and Games 2000: 229-240
10EETetsuo Asano, Tomomi Matsui, Takeshi Tokuyama: On the Complexities of the Optimal Rounding Problems of Sequences and Matrices. SWAT 2000: 476-489
9 Tetsuo Asano, Tomomi Matsui, Takeshi Tokuyama: Optimal Roundings of Sequences and Matrices. Nord. J. Comput. 7(3): 241- (2000)
8 Tomomi Matsui: Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Independent Set Problems and Fractional Coloring Problems on Unit Disk Graphs. JCDCG 1998: 194-200
7EESatoru Iwata, Tomomi Matsui, S. Thomas McCormick: A fast bipartite network flow algorithm for selective assembly. Oper. Res. Lett. 22(4-5): 137-143 (1998)
6 Yasuko Matsui, Tomomi Matsui: Enumeration Algorithm for the Edge Coloring Problem on Bipartite Graphs. Combinatorics and Computer Science 1995: 18-26
5EETomomi Matsui, Sunao Tamura: Adjacency on Combinatorial Polyhedra. Discrete Applied Mathematics 56(2-3): 311-321 (1995)
4EEMaiko Shigeno, Yasufumi Saruwatari, Tomomi Matsui: An Algorithm for Fractional Assignment Problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 56(2-3): 333-343 (1995)
3EETomomi Matsui: The Minimum Spanning Tree Problem on a Planar Graph. Discrete Applied Mathematics 58(1): 91-94 (1995)
2 Tomomi Matsui, Akihisa Tamura, Yoshiko Ikebe: Algorithms for finding a Kth best valued assignment. Discrete Applied Mathematics 50(3): 283-296 (1994)
1EEYoshiko Ikebe, Tomomi Matsui, Akihisa Tamura: Adjacency of the Best and Second Best Valued Solutions in Combinatorial Optimization Problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 47(3): 227-232 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Greg Aloupis [17]
2Tetsuo Asano [9] [10]
3Thomas Fevens [17]
4Tetsuya Fujie [36]
5Nobutomo Fujiwara [31]
6Yoshiko Ikebe [1] [2]
7Shinji Imahori [31]
8Masaru Iwasa [28]
9Hideya Iwasaki [15]
10Satoru Iwata [7]
11Naoyuki Kamatani [16]
12Shuji Kijima [20] [25] [33] [35]
13Masashi Kiyomi [11] [21]
14Yusuke Kuroki [27]
15Stefan Langerman [17]
16Dennis K. J. Lin [30]
17Michiyo Matsui [30]
18Yasuko Matsui [6] [12] [18]
19Shiro Matuura [13] [36]
20S. Thomas McCormick [7]
21Antonio Mesa [17]
22Yuichiro Miyamoto [22] [24] [32]
23Ryuhei Miyashiro [15] [19] [23] [26] [29] [31]
24Mitsuo Motoki [16]
25Yoko Ono [18]
26David Rappaport [17]
27Hiroo Saito [28] [36]
28Yasufumi Saruwatari [4]
29Hadas Shachnai [34]
30Maiko Shigeno [4]
31Ayami Suzuka [23] [26]
32Takenori Takahashi [30]
33Akihisa Tamura [1] [2]
34Sunao Tamura [5]
35Takeshi Tokuyama [9] [10]
36Godfried T. Toussaint [17]
37Takeaki Uno [21]
38Takahiro Watanabe [14]
39Shu Yamada [30]
40Akiko Yoshise [23] [26]
41Lisa Zhang [34]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)