
Masashi Kiyomi

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8EEToshiki Saitoh, Katsuhisa Yamanaka, Masashi Kiyomi, Ryuhei Uehara: Random Generation and Enumeration of Proper Interval Graphs. WALCOM 2009: 177-189
7EEShuji Kijima, Masashi Kiyomi, Yoshio Okamoto, Takeaki Uno: On Listing, Sampling, and Counting the Chordal Graphs with Edge Constraints. COCOON 2008: 458-467
6EEMasashi Kiyomi, Shuji Kijima, Takeaki Uno: Listing Chordal Graphs and Interval Graphs. WG 2006: 68-77
5EEMasashi Kiyomi, Takeaki Uno: Generating Chordal Graphs Included in Given Graphs. IEICE Transactions 89-D(2): 763-770 (2006)
4EETimothy Furtak, Masashi Kiyomi, Takeaki Uno, Michael Buro: Generalized Amazons is PSPACE-Complete. IJCAI 2005: 132-137
3EEMasashi Kiyomi, Takeaki Uno, Tomomi Matsui: Efficient Algorithms for the Electric Power Transaction Problem. WINE 2005: 602-611
2EETakeaki Uno, Masashi Kiyomi, Hiroki Arimura: LCM ver. 2: Efficient Mining Algorithms for Frequent/Closed/Maximal Itemsets FIMI 2004
1EEMasashi Kiyomi, Tomomi Matsui: Integer Programming Based Algorithms for Peg Solitaire Problems. Computers and Games 2000: 229-240

Coauthor Index

1Hiroki Arimura [2]
2Michael Buro [4]
3Timothy Furtak [4]
4Shuji Kijima [6] [7]
5Tomomi Matsui [1] [3]
6Yoshio Okamoto [7]
7Toshiki Saitoh [8]
8Ryuhei Uehara [8]
9Takeaki Uno [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
10Katsuhisa Yamanaka [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)