
Mitsuo Motoki

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5 Youichi Fujimoto, Mitsuo Motoki, Ryuhei Uehara: Inverting Linkages with Stretch. CCCG 2008
4EETetsuo Asano, Shinnya Bitou, Mitsuo Motoki, Nobuaki Usui: Space-Efficient Algorithm for Image Rotation. IEICE Transactions 91-A(9): 2341-2348 (2008)
3EETetsuo Asano, Shinnya Bitou, Mitsuo Motoki, Nobuaki Usui: In-Place Algorithm for Image Rotation. ISAAC 2007: 704-715
2EETomomi Matsui, Mitsuo Motoki, Naoyuki Kamatani: Polynomial Time Approximate Sampler for Discretized Dirichlet Distribution. ISAAC 2003: 676-685
1EEMitsuo Motoki: Random Instance Generation for MAX 3SAT. COCOON 2001: 502-508

Coauthor Index

1Tetsuo Asano [3] [4]
2Shinnya Bitou [3] [4]
3Youichi Fujimoto [5]
4Naoyuki Kamatani [2]
5Tomomi Matsui [2]
6Ryuhei Uehara [5]
7Nobuaki Usui [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)