
Bertrand Mathieu

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8EELawrence Cheng, Alex Galis, Bertrand Mathieu, Kerry Jean, Roel Ocampo, Lefteris Mamatas, Javier Rubio-Loyola, Joan Serrat, Andreas Berl, Hermann de Meer, Steven Davy, Zeinab Movahedi, Laurent Lefèvre: Self-organising Management Overlays for Future Internet Services. MACE 2008: 74-89
7EEFrancois Jan, Bertrand Mathieu, Djamal-Eddine Meddour: A monitoring tool for Wireless Multi-hop Mesh Networks. NOMS 2008: 587-601
6EEBertrand Mathieu, Meng Song, Alex Galis, Lawrence Cheng, Kerry Jean, Roel Ocampo, Marcus Brunner, Martin Stiemerling, Marco Cassini: Self-Management of Context-Aware Overlay Ambient Networks. Integrated Network Management 2007: 749-752
5EEBertrand Mathieu, Meng Song, Michael Kleis: A P2P Approach for the Selection of Media Processing Modules for Service Specific Overlay Networks. AICT/ICIW 2006: 103
4EEBertrand Mathieu, Yannick Carlinet, D. Massaloux, B. Kövesi, D. Deleam: A Network-Aware Truncating Module for Scalable Streams Saving Bandwidth for Overused Networks. MATA 2005: 12-21
3EEAndré Ribeiro Cardoso, Ahmed Serhrouchni, Bertrand Mathieu, Mikaël Salaün: Service Deployment in Active Networks Based on a P2P System. MATA 2005: 172-181
2EEFlorian Iragne, Macha Nikolski, Bertrand Mathieu, David Auber, David James Sherman: ProViz: protein interaction visualization and exploration. Bioinformatics 21(2): 272-274 (2005)
1EEBertrand Mathieu, Yannick Carlinet, Yvon Gourhant: A Programmable Network Enabling Content Adaptation. MATA 2004: 108-117

Coauthor Index

1David Auber [2]
2Andreas Berl [8]
3Marcus Brunner [6]
4André Ribeiro Cardoso [3]
5Yannick Carlinet [1] [4]
6Marco Cassini [6]
7Lawrence Cheng [6] [8]
8Steven Davy [8]
9D. Deleam [4]
10Alex Galis [6] [8]
11Yvon Gourhant [1]
12Florian Iragne [2]
13Francois Jan [7]
14Kerry Jean [6] [8]
15Michael Kleis [5]
16B. Kövesi [4]
17Laurent Lefèvre [8]
18Lefteris Mamatas [8]
19D. Massaloux [4]
20Djamal-Eddine Meddour [7]
21Hermann de Meer [8]
22Zeinab Movahedi [8]
23Macha Nikolski [2]
24Roel Ocampo [6] [8]
25Javier Rubio-Loyola [8]
26Mikaël Salaün [3]
27Ahmed Serhrouchni [3]
28Joan Serrat [8]
29David James Sherman [2]
30Meng Song [5] [6]
31Martin Stiemerling [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)