
André Ribeiro Cardoso

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4EEAndré Ribeiro Cardoso, Ahmed Serhrouchni, Joaquim Celestino Jr., Mikaël Salaün: Convergence among Peer-to-Peer and Programmable Networks. ECUMN 2007: 45-51
3EEAndré Ribeiro Cardoso, Ahmed Serhrouchni, Bertrand Mathieu, Mikaël Salaün: Service Deployment in Active Networks Based on a P2P System. MATA 2005: 172-181
2EEAndré Ribeiro Cardoso, Joaquim Celestino Jr., Ricardo A. R. Celestino: Management of heterogeneous ATM networks based on integration of mobile agents with legacy systems. NOMS 2002: 879-882
1EEAndré Ribeiro Cardoso, Joaquim Celestino Jr.: A Proposal of PVCs Configuration Methodology Employing Mobile Agents. MATA 2001: 163-172

Coauthor Index

1Ricardo A. R. Celestino [2]
2Joaquim Celestino Jr. [1] [2] [4]
3Bertrand Mathieu [3]
4Mikaël Salaün [3] [4]
5Ahmed Serhrouchni [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)