
Yannick Carlinet

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6EEYannick Carlinet, Ludovic Mé, Hervé Debar, Yvon Gourhant: Analysis of Computer Infection Risk Factors Based on Customer Network Usage. SECURWARE 2008: 317-325
5EEBertrand Mathieu, Yannick Carlinet, D. Massaloux, B. Kövesi, D. Deleam: A Network-Aware Truncating Module for Scalable Streams Saving Bandwidth for Overused Networks. MATA 2005: 12-21
4EEBertrand Mathieu, Yannick Carlinet, Yvon Gourhant: A Programmable Network Enabling Content Adaptation. MATA 2004: 108-117
3EEVirginie Galtier, Kevin L. Mills, Yannick Carlinet: Modeling CPU Demand in Heterogeneous Active Networks. DANCE 2002: 511-533
2EEVirginie Galtier, Kevin L. Mills, Yannick Carlinet, Stephen F. Bush, Amit B. Kulkarni: Predicting and Controlling Resource Usage in a Heterogeneous Active Network. Active Middleware Services 2001: 35-44
1EEVirginie Galtier, Kevin L. Mills, Yannick Carlinet, Stefan Leigh, Andrew L. Rukhin: Expressing meaningful processing requirements among heterogeneous nodes in an active network. Workshop on Software and Performance 2000: 20-28

Coauthor Index

1Stephen F. Bush [2]
2Hervé Debar [6]
3D. Deleam [5]
4Virginie Galtier [1] [2] [3]
5Yvon Gourhant [4] [6]
6B. Kövesi [5]
7Amit B. Kulkarni [2]
8Stefan Leigh [1]
9D. Massaloux [5]
10Bertrand Mathieu [4] [5]
11Ludovic Mé [6]
12Kevin Mills (Kevin L. Mills) [1] [2] [3]
13Andrew L. Rukhin [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)