
Rudolf Mathar

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26EEVirgilio Rodriguez, Rudolf Mathar, Anke Schmeink: Asymptotic stability and capacity results for a broad family of power adjustment rules: Expanded discussion CoRR abs/0901.0573: (2009)
25EERudolf Mathar, Anke Schmeink: Proportional QoS adjustment for achieving feasible power allocation in CDMA systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(2): 254-259 (2008)
24EEAnke Feiten, Rudolf Mathar, Michael Reyer: Rate and Power Allocation for Multiuser OFDM: An Effective Heuristic Verified by Branch-and-Bound. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(1): 60-64 (2008)
23EERudolf Mathar, Michael Reyer: Iterated Water-Filling for OFDMA Rate and Power Allocation with Proportionality Constraints. GLOBECOM 2007: 3230-3234
22EERudolf Mathar, Michael Reyer, Michael Schmeink: A Cube Oriented Ray Launching Algorithm for 3D Urban Field Strength Prediction. ICC 2007: 5034-5039
21EEAnke Feiten, Rudolf Mathar: Capacity-Achieving Discrete Signaling over Additive Noise Channels. ICC 2007: 5401-5405
20EEAnke Feiten, Rudolf Mathar, Stephen V. Hanly: Eigenvalue-Based Optimum-Power Allocation for Gaussian Vector Channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(6): 2304-2309 (2007)
19EEDaniel Catrein, Rudolf Mathar: A Capacity Utilizing Distributed Call Admission Control Scheme for CDMA with Power Constraints. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
18EEAnke Feiten, Rudolf Mathar: Minimax Problems and Directional Derivatives for MIMO Channels. VTC Spring 2006: 2231-2235
17EEAnke Feiten, Rudolf Mathar: Optimal Power Control for Multiuser CDMA Channels CoRR abs/cs/0509043: (2005)
16EELorenz A. Imhof, Rudolf Mathar: Capacity regions and optimal power allocation for CDMA cellular radio. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(6): 2011-2019 (2005)
15EELorenz A. Imhof, Rudolf Mathar: The geometry of the capacity region for CDMA systems with general power constraints. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(5): 2040-2044 (2005)
14EERudolf Mathar, Heinrich Meyr: Stochastic modeling of the convergence behavior of concatenated codes. VTC Fall (2) 2004: 1263-1265
13EEDaniel Catrein, Lorenz A. Imhof, Rudolf Mathar: Power control, capacity, and duality of uplink and downlink in cellular CDMA systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(10): 1777-1785 (2004)
12EESelin Cerav Erbas, Rudolf Mathar: An Off-Line Traffic Engineering Model for MPLS Networks. LCN 2002: 166-176
11 Rudolf Mathar, Michael Schmeink: Integrated Optimal Cell Site Selection and Frequency Allocation for Cellular Radio Network. Telecommunication Systems 21(2): 339-347 (2002)
10EERudolf Mathar, Michael Schmeink: Optimal Base Station Positioning and Channel Assignment for 3G Mobile Networks by Integer Programming. Annals OR 107(1-4): 225-236 (2001)
9 Rudolf Mathar, Thomas Niessen: Optimum positioning of base stations for cellular radio networks. Wireless Networks 6(6): 421-428 (2000)
8 Rudolf Mathar: Modeling and Optimization Methods for Mobile Communication Networks (Abstract). MMB 1999: 35
7 Lenore Cowen, Rudolf Mathar: The Offset Problem. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 6(2): 159-164 (1997)
6EERudolf Mathar, Krzysztof Pawlikowski: Performance analysis of the pi-persistent protocol in unidirectional bus networks. Computer Communications 20(7): 535-543 (1997)
5EEMartin Hellebrandt, Rudolf Mathar: Cumulated interference power and bit-error-rates in mobile packet radio. Wireless Networks 3(3): 169-172 (1997)
4 Lenore Cowen, Rudolf Mathar: The Offset Problem (Abstract). PODC 1996: 313
3 Rudolf Mathar, Jürgen Mattfeldt: Optimal transmission ranges for mobile communication in linear multihop packet radio networks. Wireless Networks 2(4): 329-342 (1996)
2 Rudolf Mathar, Jürgen Mattfeldt: On the distribution of cumulated interference power in Rayleigh fading channels. Wireless Networks 1(1): 31-36 (1995)
1 Rudolf Mathar, Lenore Cowen: Concurrence Probabilities for a Locally Slotted Packet Radio Network by Combinatorial Methods. Perform. Eval. 17(1): 43-51 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Catrein [13] [19]
2Lenore Cowen [1] [4] [7]
3Selin Cerav Erbas [12]
4Anke Feiten [17] [18] [20] [21] [24]
5Stephen V. Hanly [20]
6Martin Hellebrandt [5]
7Lorenz A. Imhof [13] [15] [16]
8Jürgen Mattfeldt [2] [3]
9Heinrich Meyr [14]
10Thomas Niessen [9]
11Krzysztof Pawlikowski [6]
12Michael Reyer [22] [23] [24]
13Virgilio Rodriguez [26]
14Anke Schmeink [25] [26]
15Michael Schmeink [10] [11] [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)