
Philippe Martin

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19EEPhilippe Martin: Design of a Virtual Component Neutral Network-on-Chip Transaction Layer CoRR abs/0710.4754: (2007)
18EEPhilippe Martin: Design of a Virtual Component Neutral Network-on-Chip Transaction Layer. DATE 2005: 336-337
17EEPhilippe Martin, Michael Blumenstein, Peter J. Deer: Toward Cooperatively-Built Knowledge Repositories. ICCS 2005: 411-424
16EEGérard Mas, Philippe Martin: Network-on-Chip: The Intelligence is in The Wire. ICCD 2004: 174-177
15EEPhilippe Martin: Correction and Extension of WordNet 1.7. ICCS 2003: 160-173
14EEPhilippe Martin: Knowledge Representation in CGLF, CGIF, KIF, Frame-CG and Formalized-English. ICCS 2002: 77-91
13EEPhilippe Martin, Peter W. Eklund: Large-Scale Cooperatively-Built KBs. ICCS 2001: 231-244
12EEPhilippe Martin, Peter W. Eklund: WebKB-2: Cooperatively-built Knowledge Bases on the WWW. WWW Posters 2001
11 Philippe Martin: Conventions and Notations for Knowledge Representation and Retrieval. ICCS 2000: 41-54
10 Philippe Martin, Peter W. Eklund: Conventions for Knowledge Representation via RDF. WebNet 2000: 378-383
9EEPhilippe Martin, Peter W. Eklund: Knowledge Retrieval and the World Wide Web. IEEE Intelligent Systems 15(3): 18-25 (2000)
8 Philippe Martin, Peter W. Eklund: Embedding Knowledge in Web Documents: CGs versus XML-based Metadata Languages. ICCS 1999: 230-246
7 Philippe Martin, Peter W. Eklund: WebKB and the Sisyphus-I Problem. ICCS 1999: 315-333
6EEPhilippe Martin, Peter W. Eklund: Embedding Knowledge in Web Documents. Computer Networks 31(11-16): 1403-1419 (1999)
5EEPhilippe Martin, Dominique Martin: PolyFormes: software for the declarative modelling of polyhedra. The Visual Computer 15(2): 55-76 (1999)
4 Philippe Martin: CGKAT: A Knowledge Acquisition and Retrieval Tool Using Structured Documents and Ontologies. ICCS 1997: 581-584
3 Philippe Martin: The WebKB Set of Tools: A Common Scheme for Shared WWW Annotations, Shared Knowledge Bases and Information Retrieval. ICCS 1997: 585-588
2 Philippe Martin, Laurence Alpay: Conceptual Structures and Structured Documents. ICCS 1996: 145-159
1 Philippe Martin, Camille Bellissant: Neural Networks for the Recognition of Engraved Musical Scores. IJPRAI 6(1): 193-208 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Laurence Alpay [2]
2Camille Bellissant [1]
3Michael Blumenstein [17]
4Peter J. Deer [17]
5Peter W. Eklund [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13]
6Dominique Martin [5]
7Gérard Mas [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)