
Mario Marino

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2EEMark Gebhart, Bertrand A. Maher, Katherine E. Coons, Jeff Diamond, Paul Gratz, Mario Marino, Nitya Ranganathan, Behnam Robatmili, Aaron Smith, James H. Burrill, Stephen W. Keckler, Doug Burger, Kathryn S. McKinley: An evaluation of the TRIPS computer system. ASPLOS 2009: 1-12
1 Mario Marino: Evaluating the Interconnection Latency Costs on the Performance of a CMP with Multisliced L2. PDPTA 2006: 133-138

Coauthor Index

1Doug Burger [2]
2James H. Burrill [2]
3Katherine E. Coons [2]
4Jeff Diamond [2]
5Mark Gebhart [2]
6Paul Gratz [2]
7Stephen W. Keckler [2]
8Bertrand A. Maher [2]
9Kathryn S. McKinley [2]
10Nitya Ranganathan [2]
11Behnam Robatmili [2]
12Aaron Smith [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)