
Leandro Soriano Marcolino

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3EELeandro Soriano Marcolino, Luiz Chaimowicz: A coordination mechanism for swarm navigation: experiments and analysis. AAMAS (3) 2008: 1203-1206
2EELeandro Soriano Marcolino, Luiz Chaimowicz: No robot left behind: Coordination to overcome local minima in swarm navigation. ICRA 2008: 1904-1909
1EELeandro Soriano Marcolino, Luiz Chaimowicz: Experiments in the Coordination of Large Groups of Robots. SBIA 2008: 268-277

Coauthor Index

1Luiz Chaimowicz [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)