
Victor E. Malyshkin

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23 Victor E. Malyshkin: Parallel Computing Technologies, 9th International Conference, PaCT 2007, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, September 3-7, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
22EEK. V. Kalgin, Victor E. Malyshkin, S. P. Nechaev, G. A. Tschukin: Runtime System for Parallel Execution of Fragmented Subroutines. PaCT 2007: 544-552
21 Victor E. Malyshkin: Parallel Computing Technologies, 8th International Conference, PaCT 2005, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, September 5-9, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
20EEDominique Fougère, M. Gorodnichev, N. Malyshkin, Victor E. Malyshkin, Arkadi I. Merkulov, Bernard Roux: NumGrid Middleware: MPI Support for Computational Grids. PaCT 2005: 313-320
19EEVictor E. Malyshkin: Parallel computing technologies. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(4): 625-626 (2005)
18EEElvira A. Kuksheva, Victor E. Malyshkin, Serguei A. Nikitin, Alexei V. Snytnikov, Valery N. Snytnikov, Vitalii A. Vshivkov: Supercomputer simulation of self-gravitating media. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(4): 749-757 (2005)
17EEVictor E. Malyshkin, I. Naumkin, N. Malyshkin, Vladimir D. Korneev, Michael Ostapkevich: Digital Electromagnetic Model of the Power System: Parallel Implementation for Multicomputers. PARELEC 2004: 380-385
16 Victor E. Malyshkin: Parallel Computing Technologies, 7th International Conference, PaCT 2003, Novosibirsk, Russia, September 15-19, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003
15EEElvira A. Kuksheva, Victor E. Malyshkin, Serguei A. Nikitin, Alexei V. Snytnikov, Valery N. Snytnikov, Vitalii A. Vshivkov: Numerical Simulation of Self-Organisation in Gravitationally Unstable Media on Supercomputers. PaCT 2003: 354-368
14EEVictor E. Malyshkin: Parallel computing technologies. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 18(6): (2002)
13 Victor E. Malyshkin: Parallel Computing Technologies, 6th International Conference, PaCT 2001, Novosibirsk, Russia, September 3-7, 2001, Proceedings Springer 2001
12EEVictor E. Malyshkin: Parallel computing technologies. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 17(6): 667-668 (2001)
11EEM. A. Kraeva, Victor E. Malyshkin: Assembly technology for parallel realization of numerical models on MIMD-multicomputers. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 17(6): 755-765 (2001)
10EEVictor E. Malyshkin: From the Editor of the Special Issue on Parallel Computations. Programming and Computer Software 27(4): 169-169 (2001)
9 Victor E. Malyshkin: Parallel Computing Technologies, 5th International Conference, PaCT-99, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 6-10, 1999, Proceedings Springer 1999
8 M. A. Kraeva, Victor E. Malyshkin: Algorithms of Parallel Realisatiuon of the PIC Method with Assembly Technology. HPCN Europe 1999: 329-338
7EEVictor E. Malyshkin: Concepts and Features of Processes Flying Technology. ISORC 1998: 481-
6 Victor E. Malyshkin: Parallel Computing Technologies, 4th International Conference, PaCT-97, Yaroslavl, Russia, September 8-12, 1997, Proceedings Springer 1997
5 M. A. Kraeva, Victor E. Malyshkin: Implementation of PIC Method on MIMD Multicomputers with Assembly Technology. HPCN Europe 1997: 541-549
4 V. G. Khajdukov, Vladimir D. Korneev, Victor I. Kostin, V. V. Kovalevsky, Victor E. Malyshkin, Vladimir A. Tcheverda, D. V. Vishnevsky: Modelling of Seismic Wave Propagation for 2D Media (Direct and Inverse Problems). PaCT 1997: 350-357
3 Victor E. Malyshkin: Parallel Computing Technologies, 3rd International Conference, PaCT-95, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 12-25, 1995, Proceedings Springer 1995
2 M. Royak, E. Shurina, Yu. Soloveichik, Victor E. Malyshkin: Parallelization of Computer Code MASTAC Three-Dimensional Finite Elements Method Implementing. PaCT 1995: 304-313
1 Victor E. Malyshkin: Assembly Environment for Development of Application Parallel Program. HPCN 1994: 302-307

Coauthor Index

1Dominique Fougère [20]
2M. Gorodnichev [20]
3K. V. Kalgin [22]
4V. G. Khajdukov [4]
5Vladimir D. Korneev [4] [17]
6Victor I. Kostin [4]
7V. V. Kovalevsky [4]
8M. A. Kraeva [5] [8] [11]
9Elvira A. Kuksheva [15] [18]
10N. Malyshkin [17] [20]
11Arkadi I. Merkulov [20]
12I. Naumkin [17]
13S. P. Nechaev [22]
14Serguei A. Nikitin [15] [18]
15Michael Ostapkevich [17]
16Bernard Roux [20]
17M. Royak [2]
18E. Shurina [2]
19Alexei V. Snytnikov [15] [18]
20Valery N. Snytnikov [15] [18]
21Yu. Soloveichik [2]
22Vladimir A. Tcheverda [4]
23G. A. Tschukin [22]
24D. V. Vishnevsky [4]
25Vitalii A. Vshivkov [15] [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)