
Bernard Roux

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11EEDominique Fougère, M. Gorodnichev, N. Malyshkin, Victor E. Malyshkin, Arkadi I. Merkulov, Bernard Roux: NumGrid Middleware: MPI Support for Computational Grids. PaCT 2005: 313-320
10EEOleg Bessonov, Dominique Fougère, Bernard Roux: Development of efficient computational kernels and linear algebra routines for out-of-order superscalar processors. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(4): 743-748 (2005)
9EEOleg Bessonov, Dominique Fougère, Bernard Roux: Using a Parallel CFD Code for Evaluation of Clusters and MPPs. IPDPS 2003: 65
8EEOleg Bessonov, Dominique Fougère, Bernard Roux: Analysis of Architecture and Design of Linear Algebra Kernels for Superscalar Processors. PaCT 2003: 345-353
7EEOleg Bessonov, Dominique Fougère, Bernard Roux: Parallel Simulation of 3D Incompressible Flows and Performance Comparison for Several MPP and Cluster Platforms. PaCT 2001: 401-409
6EEOleg Bessonov, Dominique Fougère, Ky Dang Quoc, Bernard Roux: Methods for Achieving Peak Computational Rates for Linear Algebra Operations on Superscalar RISC Processors. PaCT 1999: 180-185
5 Oleg Bessonov, Bernard Roux: Optimization Techniques and Performance Analysis for Different Serial and Parallel RISC-based Computers. PaCT 1997: 168-174
4 M. V. Khenner, D. V. Lyubimov, Bernard Roux, S. V. Shklyaev: The Application of Parallel Computations Technique to the Solution of Certain Hydrodynamic Stability Problems. PaCT 1997: 40-44
3EEMaurice Pouzet, Bernard Roux: Ubiquity in Category for Metric Spaces and Transition Systems. Eur. J. Comb. 17(2-3): 291-307 (1996)
2 Oleg Bessonov, Valery Brailovskaya, Vadim Polezhaev, Bernard Roux: Parallelization of the Solution of 3D Navier-Stokes Equations for Fluid Flow in a Cavity with Moving Covers. PaCT 1995: 385-399
1 G. Chen, H. B. Keller, S. H. Lui, Bernard Roux: Parallel Homotopy Algorithm for Large Sparse Generalized Eigenvalue Problems: Application to Hydrodynamic Stability Analysis. CONPAR 1992: 331-342

Coauthor Index

1Oleg Bessonov [2] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Valery Brailovskaya [2]
3G. Chen [1]
4Dominique Fougère [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
5M. Gorodnichev [11]
6H. B. Keller [1]
7M. V. Khenner [4]
8S. H. Lui [1]
9D. V. Lyubimov [4]
10N. Malyshkin [11]
11Victor E. Malyshkin [11]
12Arkadi I. Merkulov [11]
13Vadim Polezhaev [2]
14Maurice Pouzet [3]
15Ky Dang Quoc [6]
16S. V. Shklyaev [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)