
Thomas Deschamps

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9 Thomas Deschamps, P. Schwartz, D. Trebotich, P. Colella, D. Saloner, Ravi Malladi: Vessel segmentation and blood flow simulation using Level-Sets and Embedded Boundary methods. CARS 2004: 75-80
8EEThomas Deschamps, Ravi Malladi, Igor Ravve: Fast Evolution of Image Manifolds and Application to Filtering and Segmentation in 3D Medical Images. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 10(5): 525-535 (2004)
7EEOlivier Gérard, Thomas Deschamps, Myriam Greff, Laurent D. Cohen: Real-Time Interactive Path Extraction with on-the-Fly Adaptation of the External Forces. ECCV (3) 2002: 807-821
6EEThomas Deschamps, Laurent D. Cohen: Fast Extraction of Tubular and Tree 3D Surfaces with Front Propagation Methods. ICPR (1) 2002: 731-734
5 Roel Truyen, Bert Verdonck, Thomas Deschamps, Philippe Lefere, Stefaan Gryspeerdt: Efficacy of automatic path tracking in virtual colonoscopy. CARS 2001: 469-474
4EELaurent D. Cohen, Thomas Deschamps: Grouping connected components using minimal path techniques. Application to reconstruction of vessels in 2D and 3D images. CVPR (2) 2001: 102-109
3EELaurent D. Cohen, Thomas Deschamps: Multiple Contour Finding and Perceptual Grouping as a Set of Energy Minimizing Paths. EMMCVPR 2001: 560-575
2EERoel Truyen, Thomas Deschamps, Laurent D. Cohen: Clinical Evaluation of an Automatic Path Tracker for Virtual Colonoscopy. MICCAI 2001: 169-176
1EEThomas Deschamps, Laurent D. Cohen: Minimal Paths in 3D Images and Application to Virtual Endoscopy. ECCV (2) 2000: 543-557

Coauthor Index

1Laurent D. Cohen [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
2P. Colella [9]
3Olivier Gérard [7]
4Myriam Greff [7]
5Stefaan Gryspeerdt [5]
6Philippe Lefere [5]
7Ravi Malladi [8] [9]
8Igor Ravve [8]
9D. Saloner [9]
10P. Schwartz [9]
11D. Trebotich [9]
12Roel Truyen [2] [5]
13Bert Verdonck [5]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)